Research Article

The Influence of 1-Triacontanol on the Growth, Flowering, and Quality of Potted Bougainvillea Plants (Bougainvillea glabra var. “Elizabeth Angus”) under Natural Conditions

Table 2

The effects of TRIA treatments on the mineral content, stomatal conductance, and the fresh and dry biomasses of Bougainvillea glabra under natural conditions.

Treatment (mg/L)Mineral ion content (mg/g)Stomatal cond.Fresh Wt ofDry Wt of branch (g)
NPk(m2s/mol) branch (g)(dry matter)

TRIA 0.52.80b0.35a1.20a33b34.30b21.30b
TRIA 1.02.68b0.38a1.23a34a37.50a24.50a
TRIA 2.53.06a0.40a1.29a38a39.30a25.30a
TRIA 5.02.78b0.35a1.28a37a35.30a22.50a

Values in a column sharing the same lower case letters are not significantly different at < 0.05 (LSD test).
a, b, c, dMeans within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly according to the LSD test at < 0.05.