Research Article

Coupled Electrokinetics-Adsorption Technique for Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals and Organics from Saline-Sodic Soil

Table 1

Physicochemical properties of saline-sodic soil [24].


pH (ASTM D 4972)9.00
Moisture content, % (ASTM D 2216)3.91
Soil organic matter, % (ASTM D 2974)3.26
Hydraulic conductivity, cm/s (ASTM D 5084)
Electrical conductivity, dS/m (ASTM D 1125)8.62
Average pore width (by BET*), Å75.64
BET specific surface area, m2/g (UOP964)42.13
Pore volume, cm3/g (UOP964)0.08
Specific gravity (ASTM D 854)2.77
Liquid limit (ASTM D 4318)44.71
Plastic limit (ASTM D 4318)25.95
Plasticity index18.76
USCS classification (ASTM D 2487)CL (Clay)

Particle size distribution (ASTM D 422)
 Clay, %78
 Silt, %6
 Very fine sand, %10
 Fine sand, %5
 Medium sand, %1

BET: Brunauer-Emmett-Teller.