Research Article

Multi-Objective Approach for Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environments

Pseudocode 1

DVFS-MODPSO based workflow scheduling.
// Swarm initialization with HEFT
(1)For i = 1 to SNum (SNum is the size of particle swarm)
 (a)For j = 1 to m (m the number of processors)
    (i) Randomly initialize VSL(j) (randomly choose the voltage/frequency of processor from the set of its operating points).
 (b)Initialize with HEFT heuristic (S is the swarm of particles)
 (c)Initialize the velocity V of each particle
 (d)Initialize the Personal Best (pBest) of each particle:
 (e)Evaluate objectives of each particle:
      Evaluate S[i]
 (f)Initialize the Global Best particle (gBest) with the best one among the SNum particles:
      g Best particle found in
(2)End For
(3)Add the nondominated solutions found in S into EA (EA is the External Archive storing the pareto front)
(4)Initialize the iteration number
(5)Repeat until ( is the maximum number of iterations)
 (a)For to SNum (swarm size)
  (i)Randomly select the global best particle for S from the External Archive EA and store its position in gBest.
  (ii)Calculate the new velocity according to (22)
  (iii)Compute the new position of according to (23)
  (iv)If * PMUT then (PMUT is the probability of mutation)
    Perform mutation on .
  (v)Evaluate S[i]
 (b)End For
 (c)Update the personal best solution of each particle :
 (d)Update the External Archive EA:
   (i) Add all new non-dominated solution in S into EA
   if Then
   (ii) Remove all particles dominated by in EA
   (iii) If the archive is full then randomly select the article to be replaced from EA.
(6)Return the pareto front (the set of non-dominated solutions from S and EA)