Research Article

Extraction Optimization of Tinospora cordifolia and Assessment of the Anticancer Activity of Its Alkaloid Palmatine

Figure 4

Light microphotographs of cross-sections of mouse skin. (a) Group 1: mouse received normal water demonstrating normal histological architecture,H&E, 400X. (b) Group 2: mouse topical exposure to DMBA + croton oil demonstrating damage in dermal layer. H&E. 400X. (c) Group 3-mouse oral and topical exposure to palmatine for 16 weeks showing normal histological architecture. H&E. 400X. (d) Group 4: mouse oral (palmatine 100 mg/kg) and topical (DMBA + croton oil) exposure showing some normal histological architecture, H&E, 400X. Group 5: mouse oral (palmatine 200 mg/kg) and topical (DMBA + croton oil) exposure showing normal histological architecture,H&E, 400X.