Research Article

Healthy Lifestyles of University Students in China and Influential Factors

Table 4

Standardized regression coefficients of socio-demographic variables on healthy lifestyles for university students ( ).

Socio-demographic characteristicsTotal HLSUS scoreExercise behaviorRegular behaviorNutrition behaviorHealth risk behaviorHealth responsibilitySocial supportStress managementLife appreciation

 Junior students and above
Type of institution
 Medical university
 Three-Year college−0.187−0.055−0.087−0.292−0.033−0.288−0.092
 Comprehensive university−0.194−0.100−0.168−0.227−0.132
Family monthly income (RMB)
Father’s educational level
Mother’s educational level

Note: The data in Table 3 is the standardized regression coefficients (β), and value of is less than 0.05.
Variables: Type of institution (three-year college = 1, others = 0; comprehensive university = 1, others = 0); gender (female = 1, male = 0); learn health education curriculum status (have studied = 1, have not studied = 0); grade (freshmen = 1, others = 0; sophomores = 1, others = 0); father’s educational level (primary = 1, others = 0; secondary = 1, others = 0); mother’s educational level (primary = 1, others = 0; secondary = 1, others = 0); family monthly income (RMB) (0~ = 1, others = 0; 2000~ = 1, others = 0; 5000~ = 1, others = 0).