Clinical Study

An Evil Backstage Manipulator: Psychological Factors Correlated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Chinese Patients with Crohn’s Disease

Table 1

Analysis of potential confounding parameters in the relationship between psychological factors and HRQoL in patients with Crohn’s disease.

Step 1 (demographics*)Step 2 (CDAI score)Step 3 (psychological factors&)
squareP value squareP value squareP value


Demographics included age, gender, years of education, and duration of disease; &psychological factors included Neuroticism and Lie scores, Hospital anxiety and depression scores, and Buss-Perry score and its subscales; IBDQ-E: IBDQ emotional function; IBDQ-SF: IBDQ social function; IBDQ-B: IBDQ bowel function; IBDQ-SS: IBDQ systemic symptom.