Research Article

Comparative Analysis and Systematic Mapping of the Labial Sensilla in the Nepomorpha (Heteroptera: Insecta)

Figure 15

Types and sizes of the sensilla of the Ochteridae ((a)–(d) Ochterus piliferus, (e)–(g) O. marginatus). ((a) and (d)) CH1, CH2 are numerous and distributed dorsally (D) and ventrally (V) on the I and II segments of the labium. ((b) and (c)) PES are numerous and cover the III and IV segments of the labium in even rows, and between two rows of pegs there is a row of CUS. PAS2 are distributed on the labial tip. One pair of TRS2 is situated near the tip of the labium. (e) CH1, CH2 are densely distributed dorsally (D) on I and II segments of the labium. (f) PES are numerous and cover the III and IV segment of the labium in even rows, and between two rows of pegs there is a row of CUS. (g) PAS2 (no. 1–10) are on the labial tip; PIP is not visible. (h) COS (prioprereceptive sensilla) are situated on segment IV, dorsally, near the base of segment III.