Clinical Study

Cytokine Response of Cultured Skeletal Muscle Cells Stimulated with Proinflammatory Factors Depends on Differentiation Stage

Figure 2

IL-1 secretion from cultured skeletal muscle cells is increased after removal of TNF-α and LPS treatment. Human myoblasts (white bars) and myotubes (black bars) were exposed to TNF-α (100 ng/mL) or LPS (100 ng/mL) or vehicle (Basal) for 24 hours. Medium containing TNF-α or LPS was removed and replaced with growth medium. IL-1 secretion was estimated by ELISA 24 hours after compound removal. Data are means ± SEM (n = 4–6). * versus respective Basal. # myoblasts versus myotubes (95% CI of difference: 5.28 to 11.56).