Research Article

Early Neural Cell Death Is an Extensive, Dynamic Process in the Embryonic Chick and Mouse Retina

Figure 4

Effect of cell death on recently generated retinal ganglion cells. In HH21 chick embryos, in ovo window labeling (a) was used to visualize a defined population of recently generated neurons ((b); ; Tuj-1-positive in red; BrdU-positive in green). Proliferating cells ((b); ; BrdU-positive in green) were scored at different time points (c) to confirm complete closure of the window. Preexisting neurons were also visualized ((b); ; Tuj-1-positive in red). Recently generated neurons were scored at different time points (d). Retinal whole mounts treated with Boc-D-fmk exhibited an expanded neuronal domain as compared with untreated retinas, as visualized by Tuj-1 immunostaining (e) and (f). Total neurons (g) and recently generated neurons (h) were scored in control and Boc-D-fmk-treated embryos. The main morphological features are labeled as follows: ON: optic nerve; D: dorsal; V: ventral; T: temporal; N: nasal. Scale bars represent 20 μm (b) and 80 μm (e), (f). Graphs represent the mean ± SD of at least 3 retinas from different embryos. * .