Clinical Study

Maternal Hypotension during Fetoscopic Surgery: Incidence and Its Impact on Fetal Survival Outcomes

Table 2

Effect of preoperative nifedipine exposure on intraoperative outcomes.

Intraoperative eventsNifedipine group ( )No nifedipine group ( ) value

Intraoperative hypotension113 (54.8%)62 (50.8%)0.479
Duration of intraoperative hypotension (min) 0.135
Number of patients received ephedrine188 (91.3%)113 (92.6%)0.665
Intraoperative ephedrine (mg/kg) 0.822
Number of patients received phenylephrine127 (61.6%)61 (50.8%)0.057
Intraoperative phenylephrine (mcg/kg) 0.018
Number of vasopressor treatment (times) 0.022

Data shown in (%) or mean ± SD.