Research Article

Islet-1 Immunoreactivity in the Developing Retina of Xenopus laevis

Figure 7

Schematic drawings of the Isl1 positive cells in the developing retina of Xenopus laevis. Black nuclei represent Isl1-immunostained cells. (a) Isl1 immunoreactivity during St29–31 was restricted to nuclei located near the vitreal surface of the NbL. (b) Although the retinal lamination was absent in the St35-36, cell differentiation was detected immunohistochemically. Abundant Isl1-positive cells were located in the vitreal half of the NbL. (c) At St37-38, retinal layering was completed in the central retina with the emergence of the plexiform layers. Isl1 immunoreactivity was detected in the GCL and in cell subpopulations located in the INL. (d) From St40 onwards Isl1 immunoreactivity was confined to subpopulations of ganglion, amacrine, bipolar, and horizontal cells. Ac: amacrine cell; bc: bipolar cell; gc: ganglion cell; GCL: ganglion cell layer; hc: horizontal cell; INL: inner nuclear layer; IPL: inner plexiform layer; L: lens; mc: Müller cell; NbL: neuroblastic layer; ONL: outer nuclear layer; OPL: outer plexiform layer; ph: photoreceptor.