Research Article

Effectiveness of a Theory-Driven Nutritional Education Program in Improving Calcium Intake among Older Mauritian Adults

Table 4

Differences in baseline mean calcium frequency scores and milk consumption by sociodemographic factors in the whole sample (IG and CG).

Sociodemographic factorMean calcium frequency scores (SD) valueDaily milk (2 glasses) (%) value
Phi Value

 Male31.0 (6.40)0.00724.4
Phi = 0.216
 Female28.8 (5.77)36.4

Menstrual status
 Premenopausal32.8 (5.19)<0.00144.8
Phi = 0.430
 Perimenopausal28.8 (6.55)22.2
 Postmenopausal26.2 (3.92)39.5

Age group
 40–5031.9 (5.03)<0.00130.5
Phi = 0.291
 51–6028.9 (5.88)26.6
 61–7025.8 (4.90)33.3
 ≥7133.4 (7.06)37.0

 Indo-Mauritian29.5 (5.91)>0.0526.9
Phi = 0.229
 Afro-Mauritian31.1 (7.13)45.9
 Franco-Mauritian31.5 (6.75)27.2
 Sino-Mauritian28.8 (5.03)0.0

Occupational status
 Professional32.2 (3.54)<0.00141.7
Phi = 0.653
 Technical/clerical25.3 (4.84)16.3
 Skilled worker34.0 (5.40)41.4
 Partly skilled28.6 (5.16)38.2
 Unskilled32.5 (5.57)33.3
 Retired30.8 (6.36)28.6

Education level
 Primary29.7 (4.83)0.0010.0
Phi = 0.394
 Secondary30.4 (6.50)32.5
 Tertiary27.3 (5.30)35.7
 Postgraduate35.0 (2.69)55.6

Personal income level
 ≤Rs 5 00030.7 (5.72)<0.00122.9
Phi = 0.611
 Rs 5 001–Rs 10 00032.1 (6.05)30.6
 Rs 10 001–Rs 20 00029.4 (4.92)54.1
 >Rs 20 00026.0 (6.06)19.0

Household income level
 ≤Rs 15 00029.1 (5.18)>0.0532.0
Phi = 0.556
 Rs 15 001–Rs 20 00031.0 (4.82)45.6
 Rs 20 001–Rs 30 00030.6 (6.63)22.0
 >Rs 30 00028.7 (7.04)22.7

 Low SES30.9 (5.65)<0.00124.0
Phi = 0.542
 Medium SES31.0 (5.99)45.1
 High SES26.0 (6.16)18.6

Statistical tests: Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test (calcium frequency scores); Chi-square test of independence (milk consumption).