
A class of nonlinear Neumann problems driven by -Laplacian with a nonsmooth locally Lipschitz potential (hemivariational inequality) was considered. The approach used in this paper is the variational method for locally Lipschitz functions. More precisely, Weierstrass theorem and Mountain Pass theorem are used to prove the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions.

1. Introduction

Recently, there are several papers on the research of the Neumann-type problems involving the -Laplacian. Of the existing works in the literature, the majority deal with problems in which the potential function is smooth (i.e., ). We mention the works of Mihailescu [1], Fan and Ji [2], Yao [3], Shi and Ding [4] and Cammaroto et al. [5]. Problems with a nonsmooth potential, were studied by Dai [6, 7], who for the case established the existence of three or infinitely many solutions for Neumann-type differential inclusion problems involving the -Laplacian, using the nonsmooth three-critical-points theorem and nonsmooth Ricceri type variational principle, respectively. Not long ago, Qian et al. [8] studied the nonhomogeneous Neumann problem with indefinite weight; that is, where is a bounded domain with smooth boundary , , is a function possibly changing sign, is the trace operator with for all , and are locally Lipschitz functions in the -variable integrand (in general it can be nonsmooth), and are the subdifferentials with respect to the -variable in the sense of Clarke [9]. The authors prove the existence of at least one nontrivial solution of (1) using the nonsmooth Mountain Pass theorem and Weierstrass theorem.

If , then problem (1) becomes problem (2) as follows: In this paper, our goal is to establish the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions for problem (2).

We emphasize that the operator is said to be -Laplacian, which becomes -Laplacian when (a constant). The -Laplacian possesses more complicated nonlinearities than the -Laplacian; for example, it is inhomogeneous and in general, it has not the first eigenvalue. The study of various mathematical problems with variable exponent growth conditions has received considerable attention in recent years. These problems are interesting in applications to modeling electrorheological fluids (see [10, 11]) and image restoration (see [12]).

This paper is divided into three sections: in the second section, we introduce some necessary knowledge on the nonsmooth analysis and basic properties of the generalized Lebesgue-space and the generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev space . In the third section, we give the assumptions on the nonsmooth potentials ,   and prove the multiplicity results for problem (2).

2. Preliminary

In this section, we first review some facts on variable exponent spaces and . For the details, see [1318].

Firstly, we need to give some notations, which we will use through this paper:

Obviously, .

Denote by the set of all measurable real functions defined on . Two functions in are considered to be one element of , when they are equal almost everywhere.

For , define with the norm with the norm


Let be a Banach space and its topological dual space and we denote as the duality bracket for pair . A function is said to be locally Lipschitz, if for every , we can find a neighbourhood of and a constant (depending on ), such that , for all .

For a locally Lipschitz function , we define

It is obvious that the function is sublinear and continuous and so is the support function of a nonempty, convex, and -compact set , defined by

The multifunction is called the generalized subdifferential of .

If is also convex, then coincides with subdifferential in the sense of convex analysis, defined by If , then .

A point is a critical point of if . It is easily seen that if is a local minimum of , then .

A locally Lipschitz function satisfies the nonsmooth -condition at level (the nonsmooth -condition for short), if for every sequence , such that and , as , there is a strongly convergent subsequence, where . If this condition is satisfied at every level , then we say that satisfies the nonsmooth -condition.

Lemma 1 (see [19]). Consider the following.(1)The spaces and are separable and reflexive Banach spaces. Moreover, is uniform convex.(2)If and for any , then the imbedding from to is compact and continuous.(3)If and for any , then the imbedding from to is compact and continuous.

Lemma 2 (see [15]). The conjugate space of is , where . For any and , one has

Lemma 3 (see [15]). Set . If , then(1)for ;(2); (3); (4).

In this paper, we denote by ; the dual space and by the dual pair. Consider the following function: We know that (see [20]) and -Laplacian operator is the derivative operator of in the weak sense. We denote ; then for all .

Lemma 4 (see [19]). Set , is as above, then(1) is a continuous, bounded, and strictly monotone operator;(2) is a mapping of type ; that is, if weakly in and , implies that in ;(3) is a homeomorphism.

The following theorem, which is used as a theoretical basis in this paper, is a nonsmooth version of the well-known Mountain Pass theorem (see Chang [19] or Kourogenis and Papageorgiou [21]).

Theorem 5. Let be locally Lipschitz function and . If there exists a bounded open neighbourhood of , such that , and satisfies the nonsmooth -condition at level , where ,  , then is a critical value of and .

3. The Main Result and Proof of the Theorem

In this section, we will discuss the existence of weak solution of (2).

Our hypotheses on nonsmooth potential and are given as follows. is a function such that almost everywhere on and satisfies the following facts:(1) for all , is measurable;(2) for almost all , is locally Lipschitz. is a function such that almost everywhere on and satisfies the following facts:(1) for all , is measurable;(2) for almost all , is locally Lipschitz.

We consider the energy function for problem (2), defined by where is the surface measure on .

Lemma 6. Suppose that , , and the following conditions hold:there exist , with such that for almost all , all and ;there exist , with such that for almost all , all and .
Then, is locally Lipschitz in .

Proof. By , we have , where , .
Let .
Note that is -compact. Then, we obtain that there exists a positive constant , such that for sufficiently small .
Therefore, for any , we have
On the other hand, by and Lebourg mean value theorem, we have
Hence, where .
Obviously, it is verified that is bounded, since .
So, since is a compact imbedding.
As above, there is a positive constant , such that since is a compact imbedding.
Therefore, is locally Lipschitz.

Remark 7. If assumptions and in Lemma 6 are replaced, respectively, by the following:there exist with such that for almost all , all and ;there exist , with , such that for almost all , all and , then the result of Lemma 6 is also correct.

Theorem 8. Let , , , and the following conditions hold:there exist and , such that where ;, for all and ;, for all and ,where
Then, the problem (2) has at least two nontrivial solutions.

Proof. The proof is divided into four steps as follows.
Step  1. We will show that is coercive in this step.
Firstly, for almost all , by (2), is differentiable almost everywhere on and we have
Moreover, from , we have for almost all and .
Note that and ; then by Lemma 1, we have and (compact imbedding).
Furthermore, there exist such that
So, for any , and , we have
Step  2. We will show that the is weakly lower semicontinuous.
Let weakly in ; by Lemma 1, we obtain the following results:
By Fatou’s lemma, we have
Hence, by Weierstrass theorem, we deduce that there exists a global minimizer such that
Step  3. In this step, we prove that .
By , we have
Suppose that and with . Let such that and . Denote ; then
Step  4. We will show that there exists another nontrivial weak solution of problem (2).
Let and .
For with , by Lemma 1, we have where and are two positive constants.
By , we have
From Lebourg’s mean value theorem and , we obtain where .
Divide into two parts: and .
For any such that , we have As above, we have Hence,
Note that is coercive; hence, it satisfies the nonsmooth -condition. So by the nonsmooth Mountain Pass theorem (consequence of Theorem 5), there exists a such that which means that is another nontrivial critical point of .
Using the similar and simpler arguments, we can prove the following theorems.

Theorem 9. Let , , , and the following conditions hold:, for all ;, for  all  ,where
Then, the problem (2) has at least two nontrivial solutions.

Proof. The steps are similar to those of Theorem 8. In fact, we only need to modify Step  3 as follows: show that the under the assumptions of Theorem 9. Then, from Steps  1, 2, , and 4 above, the problem (2) has at least two nontrivial solutions.
Step . By , we have
Suppose that and with .
Let such that and . Denote ; then This is the end.

Corollary 10. Let , , ,  , and hold; then the problem (2) has at least a nontrivial solution.

Proof. From Remark 7 and Steps  1–3, by Weierstrass theorem, the functional has a critical point, which is just the solution of problem (2).

Remark 11. Let and consider the following two nonsmooth locally Lipschitz functions: where , , and . In the following, we will show that satisfies hypotheses and , and satisfies hypotheses and .
Note that and are convex functions; thus, is also convex. Since , are locally Lipschitz, so is locally Lipschitz. Thus, is regular. Then
Hence, for any , we have
Thus, we have
Therefore, conditions and hold. In a similar fashion, we have that conditions and hold.


This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (nos. DL12BC10 and 2014), the New Century Higher Education Teaching Reform Project of Heilongjiang Province in 2012 (no. JG2012010012), Humanities and Social Science Project in Heilongjiang Province Department of Education: Empirical Analysis and Construction of the Evaluation on Complex Resources service performance of Hybrid Library Based on Comprehensive Weight, the National Science Found of China (nos. 11126286 and 11201095), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (no. 20110491032), and China Postdoctoral Science (Special) Foundation (no. 2012T50303).