Research Article

Isolation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Strain from Fecal Samples of Zoo Animal

Table 1

Number of positive E. coli O157:H7 animals from fecal samples collected and date of each collection for different animal species in Al-Zawraa zoological society of Baghdad.

Animal spp.Number of samplesMonth of sampleNo. of positive animalsPercentage of positive animals
for E. coli O157:H7

Bear10June 330%
Deer9June 222.2%
Pony7June 228.6%
Lion22April 313.6%
Dog8September Nil0%
Horse12April 216.7%
Wildcat5September Nil0%
Zebra5September 120%
Siberia monkey9February Nil0%
Ostrich3June 266.7%
Baboon monkey9February Nil0%
Kangaroo1April Nil0%
Wolf 5February Nil0%
Camel9June Nil0%
Fox 6June Nil0%
Porcupine 5February Nil0%
Llama6June 116.7%
Goat8June 225%
Jaguar 7April 228.6%
Chicken 6February Nil0%