Research Article

Knee Point Search Using Cascading Top-k Sorting with Minimized Time Complexity

Algorithm 2

FindKnee( , ).
Input: Unsorted list of length , probability distribution of the knee point in the sorted
list of length :
Output: The knee point e or the non-existence of it ( = null).
(1) /* initialize the parameters for the optimization problem */
(2) ,
(4) while (true)
(5)solve the optimization problem of list in (18) to get
(6)if     then /* total sorting is the optimal option */
(7) totally sort list
(8) /* successful if the knee point exists */
(9) Search the sorted list for the knee point e
(10)break /* the algorithm is completed */
(11)else /* top- sort is the optimal option */
(12) QuickSortTopK( , + 1, , )
(13) Search the sorted list for the knee point e
(14)if  e is found then
(15)   break
(16)else /* Update the parameters for the next round of optimization problem */
(17)   update according to (5) /* the posterior probability */
(18)   update by exluding the top- item from list