Research Article

Optimizing the Long-Term Operating Plan of Railway Marshalling Station for Capacity Utilization Analysis

Algorithm 2

Input station’s initial state , planning horizon , sub-period length , overlap length
   population size , maximum generation count for the best individual continually
  keeping unchanged, maximum and minimum crossover probability , maximum and
  minimum mutation probability .
Output operating plan in planning horizon .
  Initialize current sub-period and .
  Generate new individuals of population and initialize their code sections of sub-period .
  While ,
   Set continually unchanged count of best individual.
   While ,
    Compute individual’s fitness in population , and determine the optimal .
    Choose individuals from population to form a temporary population by selection operation.
    Take crossover operation for pairs in population and update population .
    Take mutation operation for individuals of population and update population .
    Determine the optimal individual of population .
    If is better than , then set , and , else .
    Set .
   End while
   Roll the sub-period , and , .
   Initialize each individual’s code section of sub-period in population .
  End while