Research Article

Optimizing the Long-Term Operating Plan of Railway Marshalling Station for Capacity Utilization Analysis

Table 1

Events’ definition and occurrence prerequisite.

NumberEvent nameDefinitionOccurrence prerequisite

1Inbound train enteringInbound trains enter arrival yard① Inbound train arrives at station 
② Arrival yard has free tracks

2Disassembling startDisassembling engine pushes inbound train up the hump for disassembling① Disassembling engine is free.
② There exist trains in the arrival yard with technical inspections completed  
③ Marshalling yard has enough tracks to store disassembled railcars

3Disassembling endAll railcars of current disassembled train have run on assigned marshalling tracks ① Disassembling train is completed

4Assembling startAssembling engine starts pulling railcars from marshalling track to assemble outbound train① Assembling engine is free 
② Marshalling yard has enough railcars which can be assembled into the same outbound train
③ There exist free tracks in the departure yard

5Assembling endAssembling engine stops pulling railcars and an outbound train is formed① Assembling train is completed

6Outbound train departureOutbound train departs from departure yard① Departure yard has outbound trains having technical inspections finished 
② Minimum interdeparture interval is satisfied