Research Article

Cultivar Evaluation and Essential Test Locations Identification for Sugarcane Breeding in China

Table 2

Analysis of variance on cane and sugar yields of sugarcane cultivars.

Variance sourceCane yieldSugar yield
2011 plant2012 ratoon2011 plant2012 ratoon
SS /%SS /%SS /%SS /%

Treatment229983.68 25.03**214770.99 13.78**6544.98 30.43**4887.33 12.58**
Genotype25816.79 14.80**11.23 30447.69 15.65**14.18 700.84 5.93**10.71 877.83 9.28**17.96
Environment151579.98 151.87**65.91 127088.65 73.51**59.17 4627.79 197.73**70.71 2612.82 69.83**53.46
Interaction52586.91 5.60**22.87 57234.64 3.51**26.65 1216.35 6.62**18.58 1396.68 3.59**28.58

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