Research Article

Effects of Lower Limb Length and Body Proportions on the Energy Cost of Overground Walking in Older Persons

Table 2

Multivariable regression model testing the association of the energy cost of overground walking with anthropometric measures.

Model: Obs = 62; ; Prob > < 0.001; adjusted = 0.278.
Cost of locomotion to kinetic energy ratio (kg−1 sec−1) ( ) Standardized

Lower limb length (cm)−3.72 * 10−3 ± 0.74 * 10−3<0.001−0.78
Lower limb length to height ratio (%)6.61 * 10−3 ± 2.14 * 10−30.0030.48

-coefficient (slope); SE ( ): standard error of the -coefficient; standardized -coefficient according to the -score calculated after transforming all variables as having a mean of 0 and an SD of 1. The -constant (intercept) was 64.89 * 10−3.
The initial model also included age and sex that were removed by backward selection ( = 0.170 and 0.188, resp.).