Research Article

Preventing HIV Transmission in Chinese Internal Migrants: A Behavioral Approach

Table 2

Sociopsychological and environmental determinants of condom use and their performances of importance and changeability among Chinese internal migrants.

Personal cognition and capabilityMedianIQDMedianIQDEnvironmental condition MedianIQDMedianIQD

Socioeconomic statusSocial norm
 (1) Financial reasons4130 (15) Peer pressure413.51
Knowledge (16) Role models4141
 (2) Knowledge of HIV/STD4141 (17) Social support413.51
 (3) Knowledge of safe sex behavior4141Environmental feasibility
 (4) Knowledge of condom use4141 (18) Inconvenience to carry condoms4141
Attitudes (19) Access to sexual health services3141
 (5) Attitude from sex partner5141
 (6) Own attitude towards condom use5141
 (7) Beliefs on ease of use of condoms4141
 (8) Use of condom feeling during sex4141
 (9) Risk perception4141
 (10)Extent of familiarity4140.5
 (11) Confidence on the use of condom4141
 (12) Embarrassed to pick up free condoms3141
 (13) Unaware that free condoms are available4140.75
 (14) Open communication with partner40.541

Note: : number of determinants; IQD: interquartile deviation; the panelists score in a 5-point Likert scale, 1 = Very low; 2 = Low; 3 = Neutral; 4 = High; 5 = Very high.