Research Article

Chaotic Multiquenching Annealing Applied to the Protein Folding Problem

Algorithm 1

MQP pseudocode.
(1)  Multi-quenching Phase Procedure( )
(3) //Setting section
(4) = Initial Temperature,
(5) = initial value
(6) AlphaQuenching = initial value, tau = initial value
(7) //Creation of initial solution
(8) = Initial solution; E( ) = Energy( );
(9) = ; E( ) = E( )
(10)  //Multi-quenching Cycles
(11)  Repeat //External Cycle (Temperature Cycle)
(12)    Repeat //Internal Cycle (Metropolis Cycle)
(13)       = Perturbation ( ) //Uniform perturbation
(14)      DE = E( ) − E( )
(15)      If DE ≤ 0 Then
(17)      else if e (−DE/T) > random 0,1 Then
(19)      end if
(20)      If < then //save
(21)         = ; E( ) is saved
(22)      end if
(23)    Until Metropolis Cycle is Finish
(24)    tau = tau 2
(25)    If (tau is very to close 0) Then
(26)      tau = initial value
(27)      Call Chaotic Search Procedure( )
(28)    end if
(29)    T = AlphaQuenching (1 − tau) T
(30)  Until T > //External Cycle
(31)  End procedure