Research Article

Chaotic Multiquenching Annealing Applied to the Protein Folding Problem

Algorithm 3

AP pseudocode.
(1) Annealing Phase Procedure
(3) AlphaAnnealing = initial value
(4)T = Final temperature of MQP (Threshold value)
(5) = very close to zero
(6) Beta = value calculated by analytical method
(7) MC = initial value
(8) Repeat //External Loop
(9)   k = 1
(10)    Repeat //Internal Loop (Metropolis Cycle)
(11)       = New solution ( )
(12)      DE =
(13)      If DE ≤ 0 Then
(15)      else if e (DE/T) > random Then
(17)      end if
(18)       If < then
(19)        =
(20)      end if
(21)    Until k < MC
(22)    T = AlphaAnnealing * T
(23)    MC = Beta * MC
(24)    k = k + 1
(25)  Until T >
(26) End procedure