Research Article

Selection of Superior Lentil (Lens esculenta M.) Genotypes by Assessing Character Association and Genetic Diversity

Table 1

Analysis of variance for six yield contributing characters in 20 lentil genotypes and their interaction in two growing seasons (2010-11 and 2011-12).

Itemsd.f.Plant heightPrimary branches plant−1Pods plant−1Seeds pod−1100-grain weightYield plant−1

Genotype (g)19114.60**0.96**29660.29**0.66**0.08**2.52
Year (y)1477.20*1.4036283.04**0.83**0.01**39.51**
g × y interaction196.31**0.03161.78**0.08**0.0031.49**

Significant at 0.01 probability.