Research Article

Distributed Query Plan Generation Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm

Algorithm 1

NSGA-II based DQPG algorithm.
Input: : Relations participating in the query, : Probability of crossover,
: Probability of mutation, : Pre-defined number of generations, : Population Size
Output: Top-n query plans.
Initialize a random parent population of query plans PP
where chromosome length “len” is the number of relations accessed in the query and the gene at the th position in the
chromosome represents the site of the th relation.
WHILE generation   DO
Step  1. Evaluate each query plan in PP on the following objective functions
        : Minimize ,
        : Minimize ,
where is the number of sites accessed by the query plan in ascending order of cardinality per site, is the communication
cost per byte between sites and , is the local processing cost per byte at site , is the bytes to be communicated from
site and is the bytes to be processed at site .
Step  2. Perform Non-Dominated (ND) Sort  on PP for “ ” and “ ” separately and place each query plan (QP)
into corresponding ND  fronts ” and sort the QPs within each “
Step  3. Evaluate Crowding Distance Function     for each objective function
Assign for smallest and highest values in each front “ ”.
For the remaining QPs, is calculated as:
where is the value of th objective function of th query plan in Front and and are the
maximum and minimum values obtained for the objective function .
Step  4. Perform Selection from PP using binary tournament selection using crowded comparison operator
Step  5. Perform random single point crossover on selected chromosomes with crossover probability
Step  6. Apply mutation on resulting population with mutation probability
Let the resulting child population be CP
Step  7. Append CP into PP, and let the resulting intermediate population be IP
Step  8. Repeat Step  1 and Step  2 for population IP
Step  9. Form the population PP for the next generation by picking query plans Front-wise from IP till the
population size = .
Step  10. Increment Generation by 1
Return Top- Query Plans from population PP