
Mignotte and Pethö used the Siegel-Baker method to find all the integral solutions of the system of Diophantine equations and . In this paper, we extend this result and put forward a generalized method which can completely solve the family of systems of Diophantine equations and for each pair of integral parameters . The proof utilizes algebraic number theory and p-adic analysis which successfully avoid discussing the class number and factoring the ideals.

1. Introduction

Let , , and be the sets of all integers, positive integers, and rational numbers, and let , be the integers. The system of Diophantine equations is a quartic model of an elliptic curve that has been investigated in many papers. Mignotte and Pethő [1] used the Siegel-Baker method to solve (1) for and ; however, their method was complicated as a combination of algebraic and transcendental number theory. In 1998, Cohn [2] gave an elementary proof of the above system of equations for and . In 2004, Le [3] used a similar elementary method to extend the result of Cohn’s work and proposed an effective method solving the system of equations where is the power of an odd prime. As an example, solutions of the equations for and are given in the paper so as to show the effectiveness of the method.

In this paper, we use algebraic number theory and Skolem’s -adic method [4] to solve (1), and the method is relatively simple. In the proposed method, both the consideration of the class number in the field and the factorization of ideals of integral ring are avoided. Moreover, a faster algorithm proposed in [5] to compute the fundamental unit and the set of nonassociated factors is used.

In order to well interpret the main result, the symbol notation used in this paper is defined as below.

Here, we assume that is an integer and is the fundamental unit in the field , and let denote , where or , with ; denotes the conjugate of in .

The main result of this paper is as follows.

Theorem 1. Let be an integral solution of (1). Then exists only when it satisfies one of the following four equations for : (N1) with ,(N2) with ,(N3) with ,(N4) with ,where is the fundamental unit of the totally complex quartic field of , is the nonassociated factor such that , denotes the relative conjugate of , and is referred to above.

As the application to the theorem, we give the following corollary.

Corollary 2. The system of (1) for and has exactly six integral solutions: , , , , , and .

2. Proof of the Theorem

Before the proof of the theorem, Lemma 3 is needed.

Lemma 3. If , , , and are defined as before, then is an algebraic number in the field .

Proof. Rewriting , we have
Since , , and are all rational integers and , then clearly is an algebraic number. Thus, the lemma is proven.

Proof of Theorem. There are four separate cases in consideration during the proof. Since the process is very similar in each case, some details will be omitted for simplicity. Now we prove the theorem.
After rewriting the first equation of (1), factorization in the field yields Then we have
Adding (5), we get The solution of (6) is split into four cases.
Case 1. Assume that is odd and . Then Since by inserting (7) and the second equation of (1) into (6), we get where and . We multiply both sides of the equation by to obtain Without loss of generality, we also denote and . Factoring (9) in the field , we have Case 2. In another case, when   is even and , then
Similarly, we have where and . Furthermore, we know that satisfies Case 3. Consider is odd and . By the same consideration, we deduce that satisfies where .
Case 4. Consider is even and . Similarly, we know that satisfies where .
Thus, we complete the proof of the theorem.

3. Proof of the Corollary

Remark 4. The method of the proof of the corollary is a special instance of general procedure for the computation of integral points on some quartic model of elliptic curves. The method is relatively simple, because it avoids the use of class number and ideal factorization in imaginary quartic fields.

Before the proof, we give the following lemma.

Lemma 5. For any integer and , one has , where denotes the standard -adic valuation and is an odd prime.

Proof. We know Therefore, for , the -adic valuation of the term of exceeds the -adic valuation of the term of . Thus, we complete the proof of Lemma 5.

To complete the proof of the corollary, the fundamental unit in the totally complex quartic field is computed. Furthermore, nonassociated factor of in the ring of integers of is also calculated. The idea of computation of fundamental unit and nonassociated factorization stems from Zhu and Chen [5, 6] and Buchmann’s work [7], which offered a fast implementation scheme. Results are obtained via MATHEMATICA 7.0, which are listed in Table 1.

Proof of Corollary. Case 1. Substituting and into (9), we know that satisfies
Equation (N1) is reduced to
From Table 1, we get and . From Lemma 3, we know that is an element in the field . If we expand in the basis , and of , we obtain ; then, from Lemma 3, we also know that . In short, we denote this fact by .
To use the -adic analysis, a suitable prime is needed. Here, we take . A straightforward computation shows that Since , , and , we get .
(i) Let ; since , we obtain ; then with . So we have From Lemma 5 and , we get and by working modulo on formula (13), where .
(ii) When , we have with . So we have
Similar deduction shows that and .
Case 2. Secondly, we similarly consider the following equation: From Table 1, we get and . By the same argument we choose and . Similarly we have ; then we can deduce and , respectively.
Case 3. Consider the following equation: We also have , , , and . Direct deductions show that and .
Case 4. The final equation is It corresponds to , , , and . A similar deduction yields and .
All in all, if is an integral solution of (1), Substituting (24) into the system of Diophantine equations (1), we get all integral solutions, namely, , , , , , and .
This completes the proof of the corollary.

Remark 6. Like before, we can solve a family of systems of Diophantine equations (1). As a direct application of this theorem, systems of equations with parameters and are solved and results are listed in Table 2. For simplicity, we only list the positive -value of solutions .

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


This work is partly supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (no. 2662014QC010) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (61202305).