Research Article

Metacercarial Infection of Wild Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Brazil

Table 1

Measurements of metacercariae of four species of trematodes found in naturally infected specimens of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) collected in Pampulha reservoir, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Austrodiplostomum  compactum Centrocestus  formosanus Drepanocephalus sp.Ribeiroia sp.

Cyst220 ± 11 (191–239)193 ± 7 (186–200)432
145 ± 10 (123–171)125 ± 3 (121–128)205
Free/excysted metacercaria1,464 ± 70 (1,375–1,581)623
702 ± 59 (602–808)201
Oral sucker68 ± 7 (61–82)85
70 ± 6 (61–82)83
Ventral suckerNP 75
NP 77
Tribocytic organ345 ± 22 (300–375)NP NPNP
180 ± 17 (164–212)NP NPNP

= length, = width, and NP = not present.