Research Article

Manufacturing and Shear Response Characterization of Carbon Nanofiber Modified CFRP Using the Out-of-Autoclave-Vacuum-Bag-Only Cure Process

Table 2

The materials properties [1618] used in the micromechanics model.


Epoxy resin modulus3.854 GPa
CNF modulus600 GPa
Epoxy resin tensile strength0.141 GPa
CNF tensile strength7.0 GPa
Poison’s ratio of epoxy resin0.265
Poison’s ratio CNF (assumed to be the same as a typical carbon fiber)0.2
CNF volume fraction0.069
Matrix volume fraction
CNF density1.8 g/cm3
Epoxy resin density1.2 g/cm3
Length of CNF100 
Diameter of CNF0.2