Review Article

Effect of Preventive Hormonal Therapy on Breast Density: A Systematic Qualitative Review

Table 4

Tamoxifen (TAM) studies: results: effect on BD and confounding factors of treatment interaction.

AuthorsChange in BDConfounding factors
TreatmentEndpointP At baselineInteraction with treatment

Cuzick et al.
2004 [32]

Reduction in % density at 54 months
−13.7% (95% CI −12.3% to 15.1%)
−7.3% (95% CI −6.1% to 8.4%)

Statistically significant higher BD at baseline was associated with low BMI, age ≤ 55 y, no familial risk of BC, past breast biopsy, and never smokingIn MVA, greater reductions in BD were associated with treatment arm (Tam), BMI <25 kg/m2 or less, stopping HRT during the study, smoking during the study, and higher BD at entry. Treatment effect statistically smaller in older and postmenopausal women1

Decensi et al.
2009 [33]
Reduction in % density at 24 months 2Statistically higher BD at baseline was associated with low BMI, younger age (details NA)In MVA, BD at entry had no statistically significant interaction with treatment effect
Tam−19.6% (95% CI −26.3% to −12.9%)0.003
Fenretinide−10.8% (95% CI −23.8% to 2.1%)
Both−21.6% (95% CI −29.0% to −14.3%)
Placebo−12.2% (95% CI −25.2% to 0.9%)

Chow et al.
2000 [34]
Reduction in % density per year 3No statistically significant effect of age on BDIn MVA, age and menopausal status had no statistically significant interaction with treatment effect (P = NA)4
ControlNo change

Brisson et al.
2000 [35]
Reduction in % density ± SD posttreatment No statistically significant effect of age on BDIn MVA, age, nulliparity, and history of breast biopsy had no statistically significant interaction with treatment effect
Tam 0.010

Atkinson et al.
1999 [36]
Women with decreased BD: n (%) NA
Tam29 (33%)0.0001
Control 10 (5%)

Hong and Ki.
1999 [37]
Women with decreased BD: n (%) NAIn MVA, menopausal status had an interaction with treatment effect: decrease in BD (n): premenopause: 47/54 (87%); postmenopause: 14/48 (29.2%). (P = NA)
Tam61 (59.8%) NA
Group II18 (36%)
Group IIIl2 (10%)

Konez et al.
2001 [38]
Women with decreased BD: n (%) NANMTA
Tam5/24 (21%)
(within treatment: n: 3 and at end n: 2)
Relative glandular density change per interval: 0.066

Meggiorini et al.
2008 [39]
Women with decreased BD: n (%) NAIn MVA, greater reduction of BD was statistically significantly associated with age <59 y (P = 0.035)
Tam14/68 (20.59%)0.021
Control 6/80 (7.50%)

Chen et al. 2011 [40]
Absolute reduction of %BD (Δ%BD) 7
(95% CI: −3.7% to −7.8%)
Cuzick et al.
2011 [41]
Reduction ≥ 10% in % density Statistically significant higher BD
at baseline in women with atypical hyperplasia or LCIS
In MVA, atypical hyperplasia and LCIS had no significant interaction with treatment effect (P = 0.4), greater reduction in BD in women who had never taken HRT
(P = 0.03) 9
All patients (N in %)
Tam 232/507 (45.7%)
Placebo140/558 (25%8)
Control subjects in Tam group48%<0.001
Control subjects in Plac group26%
Case subjects in Tam group29%
Control subjects in Tam group48% 0.01

Using additional Student’s t-tests to determine whether the observed effects of tam on BD applied equally to all subgroups of women; in women ≤45 yr at entry, the net reduction with tam: 13.4% (95% CI −8.6% to 18.1%), whereas in women >55 y: 1.1% (95% CI −3.0% to 5.1%). MVA: multivariable analysis. 2Using analog mammograms only. 3Using digitized mammograms: SD ± 6.6%, range = −21.5 to 10.1. 4Because of the small numbers of patients in these groups, the power to detect mean differences (6–8% between them) is low. NMTA: no multivariable analysis of interaction with treatment effect available. 5There was too much missing data in order to assess the effect of previous use of HRT on change in BD. NA: data non available. 6Calculated in 27 cases. 7Evaluated by 3D MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). 8Personal calculation for percentages. LCIS: lobular carcinoma in situ. 9After adjusting for age and BD at IBIS-I entry, body mass index at IBIS-I entry, age at menarche, menopausal status at entry to IBIS-I, smoking, family history, benign breast disease (atypical hyperplasia or LCIS), and treatment arm, the mean reduction in breast density was smaller in women who started HRT during the study compared with those who had never taken HRT (4.3% versus 6.3%), mean difference in breast density reduction = 2.02%, 95% CI = 0.02% to 3.83%, .