Research Article

Enhanced Production and Characterization of a Solvent Stable Amylase from Solvent Tolerant Bacillus tequilensis RG-01: Thermostable and Surfactant Resistant

Table 1

Morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of the selected RG-01 isolate.


Morphological tests
Gram’s reaction+

Physiological tests
Growth on NaCl (%) 2.0–8.0+
Growth at pH 7.0–12.0+
Growth at temp. 25–95°C+
Growth under anaerobic condition+

Biochemical tests
Growth on MacConkey agar
Indole test
Methyl red test
Voges-Proskauer test+
Citrate utilization
H2S production
Gelatin hydrolysis+
Esculin hydrolysis+
Starch hydrolysis+
Urea hydrolysis
Nitrate reduction
Ornithine decarboxylase
Lysine decarboxylase
Catalase test+
Oxidase test+
Arginine decarboxylase
Tween-20 hydrolysis+
Tween-40 hydrolysis+
Gas production from glucose

Acid production from

(+): positive; (−): negative.