Research Article

Wing Morphometry and Acoustic Signals in Sterile and Wild Males: Implications for Mating Success in Ceratitis capitata

Figure 1

Landmarks in the wing of Ceratitis capitata. 1: intersection between the humeral and costal veins; 2: intersection between the radial R1 and costal veins; 3: intersection between and costal veins; 4: intersection between and costal veins; 5: intersection between M and apical marginal veins; 6: intersection between the anterior cubital CuA1 and marginal apical veins; 7: intersection between the anterior cubital CuA2 and marginal posterior veins; 8: intersection between Cu2+A veins; 9: intersection between cubital M CuA1 and median cubital basal veins; 10: intersection between CuA1 and midcubital distal veins; 11: intersection between r-m and veins; 12: intersection between r-m and M veins; 13: intersection between the dm-cu and CuA1 veins.