Research Article

Improving Ammonium and Nitrate Release from Urea Using Clinoptilolite Zeolite and Compost Produced from Agricultural Wastes

Figure 6

Ammonium and nitrate leached at three-day interval over 30 days of leaching for T1, T2, T3, and T4 effects only. Note. T1: 64 g soil + 7.40 g urea (no additives); T2: 64 g soil + 7.40 g urea + 6 g clinoptilolite zeolite; T3: 64 g soil + 7.40 g urea + 1.54 g compost; T4: 64 g soil + 7.40 g urea + 1.54 g compost + 6 g clinoptilolite zeolite. Note. Bar represents standard error of the mean.