Research Article

Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment Using Improved Weighted Round Robin Algorithm for Nonpreemptive Dependent Tasks

Algorithm 2

IWRR load balancer.
(1) Identify the number of executing/pending tasks in each VM and arrange it in increasing order on a Queue.
(a) Set numTaskInQueue = Number of Executing/Waiting Tasks in each VM and arrange it in increasing order
(2) If the number of tasks in the first item of the queue is greater than or equal to “1”, then terminate the Load Balancing logic
   execution else proceed to the 3rd step.
(a) If (numTaskInQueue.first() ≥1) then
(3) If the number of tasks in the last item of the queue is less than or equal to “1”, then terminate the Load Balancing logic
   execution else proceed to the 4th step.
(a) If (numTaskInQueue.last() ≤1) then
(4) Identify the Pending Execution Time in each of the VMs by adding the Pending Execution length from executing,
   waiting & paused list and then divided the value by the processing capacity of the VM.
(a) Set pendingJobsTotLength = JobsRemainingLengthInExecList + JobsRemainingLengthInWaitList +
(b) Set pendingExecutionTime = pendingJobsTotLength/
(5) Arrange the VMs based on the least pending time to the highest pending time and group it, in case two VMs fall
   in the same pending time.
(a) Sort the VMMap by the Pending Execution time of each VM
(6) Remove a task from the higher pending time VM, which contains more than one task and assign this task to the lower
   pending time VM, which has no task to process.
(a) While (true)
     Set OverLoadedVM = VMMap.get(VMMap.size())
     Set LowLoadedVM = VMMap.get(0)
     Varlowerposition = 1;
     Varupperposition = 1;
(b) While(true)
        If (OverLoadedVM.taskSize() > 1 &&LowLoadedVM.taskSize() < 1)
        Else if (OverLoadedVM.taskSize() > 1)
           LowLoadedVM = VMMap.get(lowerposition)
        Else if (LowLoadedVM.taskSize() < 1)
           OverLoadedVM = VMMap.get(VMMap.size() - upperposition)
           Break The Outer While Loop
(c) End While
     Set migratableTask = OverLoadedVM.getMigratableTask()
(d) End While
(7) Re execute from the step 1
(8) Then the steps 2 and 3 will decide the load balancing further.
(9) This load balancing will be called after every task completion irrespective of any VMs.