Research Article

Steaming Maintains Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, and Proximate Content in Snack Bar Products from Cocoa Beans

Table 2

Analysis of free fatty acids and DPPH radical-scavenging activity of snack bar products at several steaming time treatments.

Steaming time (minutes)Variable of analysis
Free fatty acid (%)DPPH IC50 (ppm)

01.090 ± 0.108a43.99 ± 4.23a
150.064 ± 0.008b35.51 ± 1.99b
250.060 ± 0.007b30.47 ± 1.56c
350.040 ± 0.006c29.26 ± 1.87c
450.020 ± 0.009d13.81 ± 3.23d
550.018 ± 0.004d13.02 ± 4.45d
650.015 ± 0.006d12.72 ± 3.77d
CV (%)6.1910.06

Notes. Values are means ± standard deviation; means followed by the different letters in the same column indicate significance by Duncan multiple range test (). CV = coefficient of variance.