Research Article

Adolescent Offending and the Segregation of Poverty in Urban Neighbourhoods and Schools: An Assessment of Contextual Effects from the Standpoint of Situational Action Theory

Table 1

School attendance in own neighbourhood of residence (absolute numbers between brackets).

First quartile neighbourhood disadvantageSecond quartile neighbourhood disadvantageThird quartile neighbourhood disadvantageFourth quartile neighbourhood disadvantageTotal

Not in own area80.4 (356)80.8 (472)73.2 (407)70.0 (632)75.1 (1867)
In own area*19.6 (87)19.2 (112)26.8 (149)30.0 (271)24.9 (619)
𝑁 100 (443)100 (584)100 (556)100 (903)100 (2486)

* 𝑃 < . 0 0 1 .