Research Article

Adolescent Offending and the Segregation of Poverty in Urban Neighbourhoods and Schools: An Assessment of Contextual Effects from the Standpoint of Situational Action Theory

Table 5

Level 1 Descriptive statistics (listwise deletion for the multivariate analyses).

Variable 𝑁 MeanStandard deviationMinimumMaximum

Immigrant background22940.540.500.001.00
One-parent family22940.150.360.001.00
Household disadvantage22940.100.300.001.00
Serious offending22940.361.170.009.00
Parental monitoring22940.001.00−3.401.23
School attachment22940.001.00−3.351.74
Propensity to offend22940.001.00−1.342.36
Exposure to criminogenic moral settings22940.001.00−1.123.33