Research Article

Adolescent Offending and the Segregation of Poverty in Urban Neighbourhoods and Schools: An Assessment of Contextual Effects from the Standpoint of Situational Action Theory

Table 7

Scale constructItems usedFactor loadingAlpha value

Serious offendingThree-point scale (never, once or twice, three times or more).644
Have you ever bought stolen goods?.572
Have you ever committed theft > 5 euro?.692
Have you ever committed burglary?.631

Informal controlsFive-point scale, totally agree-totally disagree
Parental monitoringMy parents/guardians know who I hang around with when I am not at home.645.709
My parents/guardians know where I am when I am not at home.743
My parents/guardians know how I behave when I am not at home.625
When I have to go to school the next day, I need to be in bed on time.439
If I am with friends, I need to be home at an agreed hour.454
School attachment (reversed for analyses)I do not make a serious effort to do homework.601.652
I do not care about the remarks of my teachers.519
I am not interested in getting high grades.539
Propensity to offendFive-point scale, totally agree-totally disagree
Legal cynicism scale Rules are made to be broken.668.783
It is ok to break the rules, as long as you do not get caught.772
It is ok to fight if you are challenged.639
If I do not succeed using honest methods, then I use unfair methods.680
Exposure to criminogenic moral settingsIndex based on Wikstoröm and Butterworth [32]
Friends’ engagement in rule breakingHow many of your friends have ever stolen something or taken money? .697.719
How many of your friends have ever hit someone with the consequence that this person needed medical care?.684
How many of your friends have ever destroyed or damaged something?.682
Lifestyle/routine risk indicator questionsSum of distribution risk scores (coded 1 if risk end of distribution, −1 if protective end, and 0 if balanced)
How often are you out on the streets? (never/sometimes/often) + friends’ engagement in rule breaking + how often are you drunk? (never/sometimes/often)