Research Article

Effect of Multiple Stresses (Thermal, Nutritional, and Walking Stress) on the Reproductive Performance of Malpura Ewes

Table 2

Effect of multiple stresses (thermal, nutritional, and walking stress) on reproductive parameters in Malpura ewes.

Reproductive parameterGIGII

Estrus %66.67 (8/12)a41.7 (5/12)b
Estrus duration (hrs)32a14.4b
Conception rate (%)83.3 (10/12)a50 (6/12)b
Lambing rate (%)83.3 (10/12)a50 (6/12)b
Birth weight of lambs (kg)3.35 ± 0.14a3.60 ± 0.10a

Means and SE with different superscripts in same row differ significantly .