Research Article

Computed Tomographic Tenography of Normal Equine Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath: An Ex Vivo Study

Figure 2

Computed tomographic tenography of ex vivo normal forelimbs of horses: representative images of transverse scans. Scans are shown proximally to distally: scans 1 to 6 of metacarpal region and 7 to 12 of pastern region. (a) Proximal pouch of digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS) synovial cavity, (a1) palmar aspect of DFTS synovial cavity, (a2) synovial collateral recess, (a3) distal synovial fold, (a4) dorsal distal recess of DFTS, (b) superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), (b1) manica flexoria, (c) deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), (d) mesotendon, (e) intersesamoidean ligament, (f) straight sesamoidean ligament, (g) mesotendon, (x) artefact and air bubbles, and (x1) subcutaneous contrast medium (CM) outflow after injection.