Research Article

Stratification of Highest-Risk Patients with Chronic Skin Ulcers in a Stanford Retrospective Cohort Includes Diabetes, Need for Systemic Antibiotics, and Albumin Levels

Table 1

Demographics and characteristics of patients with healing and non-healing wounds1.

Healing wound Nonhealing wound P value

Total number of patients6867
Age2 (years) 0.21
Gender (% male)32/68 (47.7%)34/67 (50.1%)0.92
Race (% white)49/68 (73.1%)47/67 (69.1%)0.61
Smoking3 (% current smokers)8/66 (12.1%)7/57 (12.2%)0.83
Size of wound4,5 (cm)1.5 (1.0–4.0)1.7 (1.0–5.5)0.78
Preexisting duration 6,7 of wound (months)1.0 (0–2)1.0 (0–3)0.11
Location of wound
 Lower extremity (%)63/68 (94.0%)66/67 (98.5%)
 Upper extremity (%)3/68 (4.4%)1/67 (1.4%)0.52
 Other location (%)1/68 (1.5%)0/67 (0%)

1Healing wounds were those that healed within 1 year of followup. Non-healing wounds were defined as wounds that required amputation or did not heal after 1 year of followup. 2Data expressed as mean standard deviation. 3Data based on smaller subsample of due to missing data. 4Data based on smaller subsample of due to missing data. 5Size expressed as median interquartile range of maximum dimension of wound at presentation. 6Data based on smaller subsample of due to missing data. 7Wound duration expressed as median interquartile range.