Review Article

Update on Peptic Ulcers in the Pediatric Age

Table 1

Author/yr/countryStudy methodsNumber of children examinedPUDPUBHP infectionNSAID use

Kalach et al. [15] 2010; EuropeMulticenter, prospective694 56/694 (8%)n.d.a.15/56 (27%)8/56 (14%)

Brown et al. [16] 2012; USMulticenter
(on national registries), retrospective
29.3 million72801267 (17.4% of PUD)n.d.a. n.d.a.

Shu-Ching et al. [14] 2009; Taiwan Monocenter, retrospective, and prospective123467 (5.4%)
gastric 27 (40.3%) duodenal 40 (59.7%)
43 (64.2% of PUD)32 (47.7%)11 (16.5%)

Egbaria et al. [17] 2008; IsraelMonocenter, retrospective751169 (22.5%)
(i) ulcers 51 (6.8%), erosions 118 (15.7%);
(ii) gastric 124 (73.3%), duodenal 58 (34.3%)
4 (2.4% of PUD)112 (66.3%)34 (20.1%)

El Mouzan and abdullah [18] 2004; Saudi Arabia Monocenter, retrospective, and prospective52124 (5%)
gastric 4 (17%), duodenal 20 (92%)
5 (21% of PUD)13/15 (87%)nda

yr: year; PUD: peptic ulcer disease; PUB: peptic ulcer bleeding; HP: Helicobacter pylori; NSAID: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; n.d.a.: no data available.