Research Article

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Duplicate Code

Table 1

Summarization of related work.

How to investigate Impact of duplicate code

Kim et al. [5] Using clone linages and clone genealogies A part of duplicate code is negative
Kapser and Godfrey [4] Build several patterns of duplicate code and discuss about them Nonnegative
Bettenburg et al. [6] Investigate inconsistent changes to duplicate code at the release revel Nonnegative
Monden et al. [7] Calculate the number of revisions on every file Negative
Lozano et al. [8] Count the number of modifications on methods including duplicate code Negative
Lozano and Wermelinger [9] Using work A part of duplicate code is negative
Lozano et al. [10] Using changeability (the ease of modification) Negative but not so high
Krinke [11] Using stability (line level) Nonnegative
Göde and Harder [12] Using stability (token level) Nonnegative
Krinke [13] Using ages Nonnegative
Rahman et al. [14] Investigate the relationship between duplicate code and bugs Nonnegative
Göde and Koschke [15] Count the number of changes on clone genealogies A part of duplicate code is negative