Research Article

Neurological Adverse Effects in Patients of Advanced Colorectal Carcinoma Treated with Different Schedules of FOLFOX

Table 1

Management of oxaliplatin induced neurotoxicity comprising of phase II and phase III studies.

StudyYearPatient typeTreatment typeInterventionOutcome

Wen et al. [16]2013Colorectal cancer
Oxaliplatin based chemotherapyCa/Mg infusionReduction in grade 3 acute neurotoxicity

Xu et al. [17]2013Gastrointestinal cancer
Oxaliplatin based chemotherapyCa/Mg infusionReduction in grade 1 and 2 and no effect on grade 3 neurotoxicity

Grothey et al. [18]2013Colon cancer FOLFOXCa/Mg infusionNo reduction in cumulative sensory neurotoxicity

Gobran and Nagy [19]2013Colorectal cancer Oxaliplatin based chemotherapyCa/Mg infusionSignificant reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

de Afonseca et al. [20]2013Colorectal and gastric cancer Oxaliplatin based chemotherapyVitamin ENo reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Grothey et al. [21]2011Colon cancer Oxaliplatin, 5 FU, and leucovorinCa/Mg infusionNo effect in cold induced sensory neuropathy
Effective neuroprotective effect of Ca/Mg therapy in oxaliplatin induced peripheral neuropathy

Knijn et al. [22]2011Advanced colon cancer Capecitabine, oxaliplatin, and bevacizumab with and without cetuximabCa/Mg infusionSignificant reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Kottschade et al. [23]2011Not specified Taxanes, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and carboplatin based chemotherapyVitamin ENo significant reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Ishibashi et al. [24]2010Metastatic colorectal cancer FOLFOX6Ca/Mg infusionNo significant reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Chay et al. [25]2010Colorectal cancer FOLFOX4/ Capecitabine + oxaliplatinCa/Mg infusionNo significant reduction in chemotherapy induced neuropathy

Gamelin et al. [26]2004Colorectal cancer Oxaliplatin based chemotherapyCa/Mg infusionLow frequency of grade 3 distal paresthesia in Ca/Mg group
No case of pseudolaryngospasm in Ca/Mg group