Research Article

Drug Courts and Community Crime Rates: A Nationwide Analysis of Jurisdiction-Level Outcomes

Table 2

Descriptive statistics for independent and control variables (1995–2002).

VariableMeanStandard deviation

Independent variables
 Drug court grants (startup, Byrne, LLEB)0.020.24
 COPS Hiring grant1.612.86
 COPS MORE grant0.441.56
 Weed and Seed grant0.090.55
 State Criminal Alien Assistance grant 0.244.94
 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant1.144.05
Control variables
 Pct. nonwhite 0.190.14
 Pct. age 15–240.140.03
 Per capita income29,31211,777
 Employment rate0.640.58

= 31,041 annual observations (5,172 agencies).
Independent variables are expressed in dollar amounts per capita.