Research Article

Undersampling Taxa Will Underestimate Molecular Divergence Dates: An Example from the South American Lizard Clade Liolaemini

Figure 1

Phylogenetic relationships and timetree for taxa within the iguanid lizard clade Liolaemini. A single ML topology ( ) was obtained from analysis of 1599 aligned base positions of ND1-COI data (1283 distinct site patterns) using the best-fit partitioning scheme found with PartitionFinder and GTR+Ī“+I for all partitions. Asterisks above branches denote bootstrap values between 95 and 100%, dashes above branches denote bootstrap values between 94 and 70%, and branches without notation have bootstrap values below 70%. This timetree represents the point estimate of node divergences among Liolaemini taxa and does not include mean and standard deviation values from bootstrapped trees (see Tables 1ā€“5). Branches labeled with circled numbers represent the following major clades: (1) L. nigromaculatus group, (2) L. lemniscatus group, (3) L. elongatus-L. kriegii complexes, (4) L. bibronii-L. alticolor groups, (5) L. chiliensis group, (6) L. lineomaculatus section, (7) L. montanus series, (8) L. wiegmannii series, (9) L. melanops group, and (10) L. darwinii complex.