Review Article

Development and Evaluation of Automotive Speech Interfaces: Useful Information from the Human Factors and the Related Literature

Table 6

Subjective rating and driving behavior statistics from selected studies (S: speech; M: manual).

StudySubjective ratingDriving behavior—glances
Workload PreferenceGlance durationNumber of glances

Carter and Graham [17]S < M
Faerber and Meier-Arendt [32]S is preferredRadio or CD control:
M: 1 s; S: 1/3 s
Using phone: M: 1 s
Radio or CD control:
M: 3; S: 1.1
Using phone: M: 12; S: 0
Garay-Vega et al. [19]S (query-based) < MS < M
Gärtner et al. [20]No differenceSimple task: no difference
Complex tasks: S < M
Itoh et al. [21]S < MS < M
Maciej and Vollrath [22]S < M
McCallum et al. [23]S < M
Minker et al. [9]S is preferred
Shutko et al. [25]S < M
(Except receiving an incoming call)