Research Article

Development of Epoxy Based Surface Tolerant Coating Improvised with Zn Dust and MIO on Steel Surfaces

Table 4

Chemical bonding analysis by FT-IR spectroscopy.

Wave number (cm−1)Chemical analysis

3000–2850 cm−1Aliphatic – and
900–1250 cm−1–C–Nstretching: shows the reaction of epoxy and aliphatic amine
454 cm−1Zn–Ostretching vibration: Obtained in STC1 only
560 cm−1Fe–Ostretching: Obtained in STC2 only
1000–1260 cm−1–C–O coupled with C–C C–C–O
800–1110 cm−1Strong band Si–Oasymmetric stretching included Ti–OStretching
600–950 cm−1Ti–O(stretching) only, the bands of some widespread pigments overlapped with several other pigments
1600–1650 cm−1Quadrant Stretching of phenyl ring which shows the presence of epoxy resin
1490–1540 cm−1Aromatic which shows the presence of epoxy resin