Research Article

Design and Implementation of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory Astronomical Data Transmission Visualization System

Table 1

Database table.

Table nameFieldnameField typeField description

File_namecharFile name
File_sizeintFile size
filesstoreDBtimetimestampFile storage time
File_time_lasttimestampLast time the file was modified

datadata_nointOrder number
data_volumedoubleTotal amount of data
data_numberintTotal number of files
data_timetimestampThe time of the data is written to the database
data_time_lasttimestampThe time of the data was last modified
data_addcharAlternate field

auto_nointOrder number
folder_nointFolder number
foldet_cycle_nointThe time of the folder has been accessed
folderfolder_nameCharFolder name
folder_volumeDoubleThe size of the folder
folder_numberIntTotal number of files in the folder
folder_timeTimestampThe time of the data was written to the database
folder_time_lasttimestampThe time of the folder was last modified
folder_addcharAlternate field

auto_nointOrder number
dayDatedateDate of the day
data_volumedoubleTotal historical data
dayDatadata_numberintTotal number of historical files
incre_volumedoubleData increase on the day
incre_numberintIncrease in the number of files on the day
dayData_addcharAlternate field

auto_nointOrder number
dayDatedateDate of the day
folder_namecharFolder name
folder_volumedoubleThe size of the folder
dayFolderDatafolder_numberintTotal number of files in the folder
incre_volumedoubleData increase of the folder on the day
incre_numberintIncrease in the number of the folder’s files on the day
dayFolderData_addcharAlternate field

auto_nointOrder number
writeDatatinyintScript writeData
proc_statuscontroltinyintScript control
oneDayStattinyintScript oneDayStat
rsynctinyintScript rsync
update_timetimestampLast updated