
We establish a 3G-theorem for the iterated Green function of ()pm, (p1,m1), on the unit ball B of n(n1) with boundary conditions (/ν)j()kmu=0 on B, for 0kp1 and 0jm1. We exploit this result to study a class of potentials 𝒥m,n(p). Next, we aim at proving the existence of positive continuous solutions for the following polyharmonic nonlinear problems ()pmu=h(,u), in D (in the sense of distributions), lim|x|1(()kmu(x)/(1|x|)m1)=0, for 0kp1, where D=B or B\{0} and h is a Borel measurable function on D×(0,) satisfying some appropriate conditions related to 𝒥m,n(p).