
This paper investigates the following 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equations with exponential nonlinearities: Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)=0 in Ω, 𝑢(𝑥)+ as 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)0, where Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢=div(|𝑢|𝑝(𝑥)2𝑢) is called 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian, 𝜌(𝑥)𝐶(Ω). The asymptotic behavior of boundary blow-up solutions is discussed, and the existence of boundary blow-up solutions is given.

1. Introduction

The study of differential equations and variational problems with nonstandard 𝑝(𝑥)-growth conditions is a new and interesting topic. On the background of this class of problems, we refer to [13]. Many results have been obtained on this kind of problems, for example, [418]. On the regularity of weak solutions for differential equations with nonstandard 𝑝(𝑥)-growth conditions, we refer to [4, 5, 8]. On the existence of solutions for 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equation Dirichlet problems in bounded domain, we refer to [7, 9, 15, 18]. In this paper, we consider the following 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equations with exponential nonlinearities Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)=0,inΩ,𝑢(𝑥)+,as𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)0,(P)

where Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢=div(|𝑢|𝑝(𝑥)2𝑢) and Ω=𝐵(0,𝑅)𝑁 is a bounded radial domain (𝐵(0,𝑅)={𝑥𝑁|𝑥|<𝑅}). Our aim is to give the asymptotic behavior and the existence of boundary blow-up solutions for problem (P).

Throughout the paper, we assume that 𝑝(𝑥), 𝜌(𝑥), and 𝑓(𝑥,𝑢) satisfy the following.

(H1) 𝑝(𝑥)𝐶1(Ω) is radial and satisfies 1<𝑝𝑝+<+,where𝑝=infΩ𝑝(𝑥),𝑝+=supΩ𝑝(𝑥).(1.1)

(H2) 𝑓(𝑥,𝑢) is radial with respect to 𝑥, 𝑓(𝑥,) is increasing, and 𝑓(𝑥,0)=0 for any 𝑥Ω.

(H3) 𝑓Ω× is continuous and satisfies||||𝑓(𝑥,𝑡)𝐶1+𝐶2|𝑡|𝛾(𝑥),,(𝑥,𝑡)Ω×(1.2)

where 𝐶1, 𝐶2 are positive constants and 0𝛾𝐶(Ω).

(H4) 𝜌(𝑥)𝐶(Ω) is a radial nonnegative function, and there exists a constant 𝜎[𝑅/2,𝑅) such that 𝜌0(𝑅𝑟)𝛽(𝑟)𝜌(𝑟)𝜌1(𝑅𝑟)𝛽1(𝑟)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(1.3)

where 𝜌0 and 𝜌1 are positive constants and 𝛽(𝑟) and 𝛽1(𝑟) are Lipschitz continuous on [𝜎,𝑅], which satisfy 𝛽(𝑟)𝛽1(𝑟)<𝑝(𝑟) for any 𝑟[𝜎,𝑅].

The operator Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢=div(|𝑢|𝑝(𝑥)2𝑢) is called 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian. Specifically, if 𝑝(𝑥)𝑝 (a constant), (P) is the well-known 𝑝-Laplacian problem. If 𝑓(𝑥,𝑢) can be represented as (𝑥)𝑓(𝑢), on the boundary blow-up solutions for the following 𝑝-Laplacian equations (𝑝 is a constant):Δ𝑝𝑢+(𝑥)𝑓(𝑢)=0,inΩ,(1.4)

we refer to [1926], and the following generalized Keller-Osserman condition is crucial11(𝐹(𝑡))1/𝑝𝑑𝑡<+,where𝐹(𝑡)=𝑡0𝑓(𝑠)𝑑𝑠,(1.5)

but the typical form of 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equation isΔ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+|𝑢|𝑞(𝑥)2𝑢=0,inΩ,(1.6)

and there are some differences between the results of (1.4) and (1.6) (see [16]).

On the boundary blow-up solutions for the following 𝑝-Laplacian equations with exponential nonlinearities (𝑝 is a constant):Δ𝑝𝑢+𝑒(𝑥)𝑓(𝑢)=0,inΩ,(1.7)

we refer to [2022], but the results on the boundary blow-up solutions for 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equations are rare (see [16]).

In [16], the present author discussed the existence and asymptotic behavior of boundary blow-up solutions for the following 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian equations: Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)=0,inΩ,𝑢(𝑥)+,as𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)0,(1.8)

on the condition that 𝑓(𝑥,) satisfies polynomial growth condition.

If 𝑝(𝑥) is a function, the typical form of (P) is the following:Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒|𝑢|𝑞(𝑥)2𝑢=0,(1.9)

and the method to construct subsolution and supersolution in [16] cannot give the exact asymptotic behavior of solutions for (P). Our results partially generalized the results of [2022].

Because of the nonhomogeneity of 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian, 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian problems are more complicated than those of 𝑝-Laplacian ones (see [10]); another difficulty of this paper is that 𝑓(𝑥,𝑢) cannot be represented as (𝑥)𝑓(𝑢).

2. Preliminary

In order to deal with 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian problems, we need some theories on the spaces 𝐿𝑝(𝑥)(Ω), 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) and properties of 𝑝(𝑥)-Laplacian, which we will use later (see [6, 11]). Let𝐿𝑝(𝑥)(Ω)=𝑢𝑢isameasurablereal-valuedfunction,Ω||||𝑢(𝑥)𝑝(𝑥).𝑑𝑥<(2.1)

We can introduce the norm on 𝐿𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) by|𝑢|𝑝(𝑥)=inf𝜆>0Ω|||𝑢(𝑥)𝜆|||𝑝(𝑥).𝑑𝑥1(2.2)

The space (𝐿𝑝(𝑥)(Ω), ||𝑝(𝑥)) becomes a Banach space. We call it generalized Lebesgue space. The space (𝐿𝑝(𝑥)(Ω), ||𝑝(𝑥)) is a separable, reflexive, and uniform convex Banach space (see [6, Theorems 1.10, 1.14] ).

The space 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) is defined by𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω)=𝑢𝐿𝑝(𝑥)||||(Ω)𝑢𝐿𝑝(𝑥),(Ω)(2.3)

and it can be equipped with the norm 𝑢=|𝑢|𝑝(𝑥)+||||𝑢𝑝(𝑥),𝑢𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω).(2.4)

𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) is the closure of 𝐶0(Ω) in 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω). 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) and 𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) are separable, reflexive, and uniform convex Banach spaces (see [6, Theorem 2.1]).

If 𝑢𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶(Ω), 𝑢 is called a blow-up solution of (P) when it satisfies𝑄||||𝑢𝑝(𝑥)2𝑢𝑞𝑑𝑥+𝑄𝜌(𝑥)𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(𝑄),(2.5)

for any domain 𝑄Ω, and max(𝑘𝑢,0)𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) for every positive integer 𝑘.

Let 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)={𝑢 there is an open domain 𝑄Ω such that 𝑢𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(𝑄)}, and define 𝐴𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶(Ω)(𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)) as𝐴𝑢,𝜙=Ω||||𝑢𝑝(𝑥)2𝑢𝜙+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)𝜙𝑑𝑥,𝑢𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶(Ω),𝜙𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω).(2.6)

Lemma 2.1 (see [9, Theorem 3.1]). Let 𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω)𝐶(Ω), and 𝑋=+𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω)𝐶(Ω). Then, 𝐴𝑋(𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)) is strictly monotone.

Letting 𝑔(𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)), if 𝑔,𝜙0,forall𝜙𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω) with 𝜙0 a.e. in Ω, then denote 𝑔0 in (𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)); correspondingly, if 𝑔0 in (𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)), then denote 𝑔0 in (𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)).

Definition 2.2. Let 𝑢𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶(Ω). If 𝐴𝑢0(𝐴𝑢0) in (𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω)), then 𝑢 is called a weak supersolution (weak subsolution) of (P).

Copying the proof of [14], we have the following.

Lemma 2.3 (comparison principle). Let 𝑢,𝑣𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶(Ω) satisfy 𝐴𝑢𝐴𝑣0,in𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω).(2.7) Let 𝜙(𝑥)=min{𝑢(𝑥)𝑣(𝑥),0}. If 𝜙(𝑥)𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) (i.e., 𝑢𝑣 on 𝜕Ω), then 𝑢𝑣 a.e. in Ω.

Lemma 2.4 (see [8, Theorem 1.1]). Under the conditions (H1) and (H3), if 𝑢𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω) is a bounded weak solution of Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)=0 in Ω, then 𝑢𝐶1,𝜗loc(Ω), where 𝜗(0,1) is a constant.

3. Asymptotic Behavior of Boundary Blow-Up Solutions

If 𝑢 is a radial solution for (P), then (P) can be transformed into𝑟𝑁1||𝑢||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑢=𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑢),𝑟(0,𝑅),𝑢(0)=𝑢0,𝑢(0)=0,𝑢(𝑟)0,for0<𝑟<𝑅.(3.1)

It means that 𝑢(𝑟) is increasing.

Theorem 3.1. If 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢) satisfies 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝛼𝑢𝑠(as𝑢+)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(3.2) where 𝜎 is defined in (H4) and α and 𝑠 are positive constants, then there exists a supersolution Φ1(𝑥) which satisfies Φ1(𝑥)+ (as 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)0), such that for every solution 𝑢 of problem (P), one has 𝑢(𝑥)Φ1(𝑥).

Proof. Define the function 𝑔(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆) on [0,𝑅𝜆) as 1𝑔(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆)=𝑎ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆1/𝑠+𝑘,𝑅0𝑟<𝑅𝜆,𝑘𝑅0𝑟𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1𝜆ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃𝜆(1/𝑠)1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)/(𝑝(𝑡)1)×𝑅0𝑁1𝑡𝑁1sin𝜖(𝑡𝜎)1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)+1𝑑𝑡𝑎ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃𝜆1/𝑠,𝜎<𝑟<𝑅0,𝑘𝑅0𝜎𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1𝜆ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃𝜆(1/𝑠)1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)/(𝑝(𝑡)1)×𝑅0𝑁1𝑡𝑁1sin𝜖(𝑡𝜎)1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)+1𝑑𝑡𝑎ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃𝜆1/𝑠,𝑟𝜎,(3.3) where 𝜃<𝛽(𝑅)/𝑝(𝑅), 𝑎>(1/𝛼)sup|𝑥|𝑅0𝑝(𝑥) are constants, 𝑅0(𝜎,𝑅), 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, parameter 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2], 𝑅𝜆 satisfies (𝑅𝑅𝜆)1𝜃𝜆=0, 𝜖=𝜋/2(𝑅0𝜎)𝑘=2𝑝+||𝛽||((1+𝑠)/𝑠+1/(1𝜃))++/(1𝜃)𝛼2ln𝑅𝑅0(1𝜃)1/𝑠+𝑅0𝜎2𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑠𝑅𝑅02ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃(1/𝑠)1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)/(𝑝(𝑡)1)×𝑅0𝑁1𝑡𝑁1sin𝜖(𝑡𝜎)1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)𝑑𝑡.(3.4)
Obviously, for any positive constant 𝑎, we have 𝑔(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆)𝐶1[0,𝑅𝜆).
When 𝑅0<𝑟<𝑅𝜆<𝑅, we have 𝑔=𝑔𝑎(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆)=1/𝑠𝑠1ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(1/𝑠)1(1𝜃)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃,||𝑔𝜆||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔=(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆((1/𝑠)1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆𝑝(𝑟)1,𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔=𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆((1/𝑠)1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)×(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃𝑝(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆𝑝(𝑟)[(],1𝜃)+Π(𝑟)(3.5)
where 𝑟Π(𝑟)=𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠/𝑠𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠/𝑠𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃(𝑅𝑟)+((1/𝑠)1)(1𝜃)ln1/(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃(𝑅𝑟)((1/𝑠)1)𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)lnln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝜃𝑝(𝑟)(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃1(𝑅𝑟)ln(𝑅𝑟)+𝜃(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝑝(𝑟)(𝑝(𝑟)1𝑅𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃(ln𝑅𝑟)1𝜃.𝜆(3.6)
If (𝑅𝑅0) is small enough, it is easy to see that ||||1Π(𝑟)ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃,𝜆for𝜆0,𝑅𝑅01𝜃2uniformly,(3.7)
and then 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆((1/𝑠)1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)+1×(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃𝑝(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆𝑝(𝑟)𝑅,𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(3.8)
Thus, when 0<𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, from (3.5) and (3.8), for 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2] uniformly, we have 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔2𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑎1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆((1/𝑠)1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)+1(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃𝑝(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆𝑝(𝑟)𝑟𝑁11𝜌(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜆𝛼𝑎=𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝛼𝑔𝑠𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑔)𝑅,𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(3.9)
Thus, when 0<𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, the following inequality is valid for 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2] uniformly: 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔𝑟𝑁1𝑅𝜌(𝑟)𝑓(𝑟,𝑔),𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(3.10)
Obviously, if 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, then 𝑔[((2𝑝+((𝑠+1)/𝑠+1/(1𝜃))+|𝛽|+/(1𝜃))/𝛼)ln(2/(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃)]1/𝑠 is large enough. Since 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2], 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔𝑅=𝜖0𝑁1𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1𝜆ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃𝜆(1/𝑠)1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)𝑅cos(𝜖(𝑟𝜎))𝜖0𝑁1𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠(1/2)𝑅𝑅01𝜃2lnR𝑅01𝜃(1/𝑠)+1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)𝑅𝜖0𝑁12𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑠𝑅𝑅02𝑅𝑅01𝜃(1/𝑠)+1(𝑝(𝑅0)1)𝑅𝜖0𝑁12𝑎1/𝑠(1𝜃)𝑠2𝑅𝑅0((𝑠+1)/𝑠)(1𝜃)+1𝑝+𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝛼𝑔𝑠𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑔),𝜎<𝑟<𝑅0.(3.11)
Thus, 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑔),𝜎<𝑟<𝑅0.(3.12)
Obviously, 𝑟𝑁1||𝑔||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑔=0𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑔),0𝑟<𝜎.(3.13)
Since 𝑔(𝑥,𝑎,𝜆)=𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,𝜆) is a 𝐶1 function on 𝐵(0,𝑅𝜆), if 0<𝑅𝑅0 is small enough (𝑅0 depends on 𝑅, 𝑝, 𝑠, α), from (3.10), (3.12), and (3.13), for any 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2], we can see that 𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,𝜆) is a supersolution for (P) on 𝐵(0,𝑅𝜆), and then 𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,0) is a supersolution for (P).
Defining the function 𝑔𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀)=𝑔(𝑟,𝑎𝜀,1/𝑚) on [0,𝑅1/𝑚), where 𝑎𝜀>(1/𝛼)sup|𝑥|𝑅0𝑝(𝑥), then 𝑔𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀) is a supersolution for (P) on 𝐵(0,𝑅(1/𝑚)). If 𝑢 is a solution for (P), according to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑔𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀)𝑢(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅1/𝑚). For any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵(0,𝑅0), we have 𝑔𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀)𝑔𝑚+1(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀), when 𝑚 is large enough. Thus 𝑢(𝑥)lim𝑚+𝑔𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀),𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵0,𝑅0.(3.14)
When 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)>0 is small enough, we have lim𝑚+𝑔𝑚1(|𝑥|,𝑎𝜀)<𝑎ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃1/𝑠+𝑘𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,0).(3.15)
According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,0)𝑢(𝑥),forall𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅); then Φ1(𝑥)=Φ1(|𝑥|)=𝑔(|𝑥|,𝑎,0) is a radial upper control function of all of the solutions for (P), and Φ1(𝑥)=Φ1(|𝑥|) is a radial supersolution for (P). The proof is completed.

Theorem 3.2. If 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢) satisfies 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)(as)𝑢for[)𝑟𝜎,𝑅uniformly,𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝛿𝑢𝑠(as𝑢+)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(3.16) where 𝜎 is defined in (H4) and 𝛿 and 𝑠 are positive constants, then there exists a subsolution Φ2(𝑥) which satisfies Φ2(𝑥)+ (as 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω)0), such that for every solution 𝑢(𝑥) for problem (P), one has 𝑢(𝑥)Φ2(𝑥).

Proof. We will prove this theorem in the following two cases.(i)𝛽1(𝑅)>0. (ii)𝛽1(𝑅)0. Case 1 (𝛽1(𝑅)>0). Let 𝑧1 be a radial solution of Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑧1(𝑥)=𝜇,inΩ1=𝐵(0,𝜎),𝑧1=0,on𝜕Ω1,(3.17)
where 𝜇>2(max𝑟[0,𝑅0]𝜌(𝑟)+1)2(𝑝+1)/(𝑝1) is a positive constant. We denote 𝑧1=𝑧1(𝑟)=𝑧1(|𝑥|). Then, 𝑧1 satisfies 𝑟𝑁1||𝑧1||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑧1=𝑟𝑁1𝜇,𝑧1(𝜎)=0,𝑧1𝑧(0)=0,1=|||𝑟𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑟)1),𝑧1=𝜎𝑟|||𝑟𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑟)1)𝑑𝑟.(3.18)
Denote 𝑏(𝑟,𝜆) on [𝜎,𝑅0] as 𝑏(𝑟,𝜆)=𝑅0𝑟𝑅0𝑁1𝑡𝑁1𝑡𝜎𝑅0𝜎𝑏(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1+𝜆𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠)1𝑝(𝑅0)1+(𝜎)𝑁1𝑡𝑁1𝑅0𝑡𝑅0|||𝜎𝜎𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)𝑑𝑡.(3.19)
It is easy to see that 𝑏(𝜎,𝜆)=𝑧1|||(𝜎)=𝜎𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝜎)1),𝑏𝑅0=,𝜆𝑏(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1+𝜆𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠)1.(3.20) Define the function 𝑣(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆) on [0,𝑅) as 1𝑣(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆)=𝑏ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆1/𝑠𝑘,𝑅01𝑟<𝑅,𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃+𝜆1/𝑠𝑘𝑏(𝑟,𝜆),𝜎<𝑟<𝑅0,𝜎𝑟|||𝑟𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑟)1)1𝑑𝑟+𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃+𝜆1/𝑠𝑘𝑏(𝜎,𝜆),𝑟𝜎,(3.21)where 𝜃(𝛽1(𝑅)/𝑝(𝑅),1), 𝑏(0,(1/𝛿)inf|𝑥|𝑅0𝑝(𝑥)) are constants, 𝑅0(𝜎,𝑅),𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, parameter 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2], and 𝑘1=𝑀+𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃1/𝑠,(3.22)where 𝑀 satisfies (𝜎)𝑁11𝑅0𝜎𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑦),𝑦𝑀,𝑟0,𝑅0.(3.23)
Obviously, for any positive constant 𝑏, 𝑣(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆)𝐶1[0,𝑅).
By computation, when 𝑟(𝑅0,𝑅), we have 𝑣=𝑣𝑏(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆)=1/𝑠𝑠1ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆1/𝑠1(1𝜃)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃,||𝑣+𝜆||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣=(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝑝(𝑟)1,𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣=𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)×(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑝(𝑟)1)1(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝑝(𝑟)1(𝜃+Λ(𝑟)),(3.24)
where 𝑟Λ(𝑟)=𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠/𝑠𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠/𝑠𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑅𝑟)+(1/𝑠1)(1𝜃)ln1/(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆×(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+(1/𝑠1)𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)lnln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃++𝜆𝜃𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)ln+(𝑅𝑟)(1𝜃)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝑝(𝑟)𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑅𝑟)ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃.+𝜆(3.25)
By computation, when 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, for 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2] uniformly, we have 𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)×(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑝(𝑟)1)1(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝑝(𝑟)1𝜃112𝜃2𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)×(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃(𝑝(𝑟)1)1(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝑝(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃𝜃2𝑟𝑁1(1𝜃)𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)11ln(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅𝑟)𝜃𝑝(𝑟)(𝑅𝑟)1𝜃+𝜆𝑝(𝑟)𝑟𝑁1𝜌1(𝑅𝑟)𝛽1(𝑟)𝑒𝛿𝑣𝑠𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑣)𝑅,𝑟0.,𝑅(3.26)
Then, for 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2] uniformly, we have 𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑣)𝑅,𝑟0.,𝑅(3.27)
When 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, forall𝑟(𝜎,𝑅0), since 𝑣𝑀, it is easy to see that 𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣𝑟𝑁1||||𝑝(𝑟)2=𝑅0𝑁11𝑅0𝜎𝑏(1𝜃)𝑅𝑅0𝜃𝑠𝑅𝑅01𝜃1+𝜆𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01𝜃+𝜆1/𝑠1𝑝(𝑅0)1(𝜎)𝑁11𝑅0|||𝜎𝜎𝜇𝑁|||(𝜎)𝑁11𝑅0𝜎𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑣),(3.28)
Then, 𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑣),𝑟𝜎,𝑅0.(3.29)
Obviously, 𝑟𝑁1||𝑣||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑣=𝑟𝑁1𝜇𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑣),𝑟(0,𝜎).(3.30)
Combining (3.27), (3.29), and (3.30), when 𝑅𝑅0 is large enough, for any 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)1𝜃/2], one can see that 𝑣(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆) is a subsolution for (P).
Define the function 𝑣𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜀) on 𝐵(0,𝑅) as 𝑣𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜀)=𝑣𝑚1𝑟,𝑏+𝜀,𝑚,(3.31)
where 𝜀 is a small enough positive constant such that (𝑏+𝜀)<(1/𝛿)inf|𝑥|𝑅0𝑝(𝑥).
For any 𝑚=1,2,, we can see that 𝑣𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜀)𝐶1([0,𝑅)) is a subsolution for (P) on 𝐵(𝑅0,𝑅). According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑣𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜀)𝑢(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅). For any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵(0,𝑅0), we have 𝑣𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜀)𝑣𝑚+1(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜀). Thus 𝑢(𝑥)lim𝑚+𝑣𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜀),𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵0,𝑅0.(3.32)
When 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω) is small enough, we havelim𝑚+𝑣𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜀)>𝑣(|𝑥|,𝑏,0).
According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑣(|𝑥|,𝑏,0)𝑢(𝑥),𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅); then Φ2(𝑥)=Φ2(|𝑥|)=𝑣(|𝑥|,𝑏,0) is a radial lower control function of all of the solutions for (P), and Φ2(𝑥) is a radial subsolution for (P).
Case 2 (𝛽1(𝑅)0). Let 𝜇>2(max𝑟[0,𝑅0]𝜌(𝑟)+1)2(𝑝+1)/(𝑝1) be a positive constant. Denote 𝜛𝑏(𝑟,𝜆) on [𝜎,𝑅0] as 𝜛𝑏(𝑟,𝜆)=𝑅0𝑟𝑅0𝑁1𝑡𝑁1𝑡𝜎𝑅0𝑏𝜎𝑠𝑅+𝜆𝑅0𝑏ln𝑅+𝜆𝑅011/𝑠1𝑝(𝑅0)1+(𝜎)𝑁1𝑡𝑁1𝑅0𝑡𝑅0|||𝜎𝜎𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)𝑑𝑡.(3.33)
It is easy to see that 𝜛𝑏(𝜎,𝜆)=𝑧1|||(𝜎)=𝜎𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝜎)1),𝜛𝑏𝑅0=𝑏,𝜆𝑠𝑅+𝜆𝑅0𝑏ln𝑅+𝜆𝑅011/𝑠1.(3.34)
Define the function 𝜂(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆) on 𝐵(0,𝑅) as 𝜂(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆)=𝑏ln(𝑅+𝜆𝑟)11/𝑠𝑘,𝑅0𝑟<𝑅,𝑏ln𝑅+𝜆𝑅011/𝑠𝑘𝜛𝑏(𝑟,𝜆),𝜎<𝑟<𝑅0,𝜎𝑟|||𝑟𝜇𝑁|||1/(𝑝(𝑟)1)𝑑𝑟+𝑏ln𝑅+𝜆𝑅011/𝑠𝑘𝜛𝑏(𝜎,𝜆),𝑟𝜎,(3.35)where 𝑏(0,(1/𝛿)inf|𝑥|𝑅0[𝑝(𝑥)𝛽1(𝑥)]) is a constant, 𝑅0(𝜎,𝑅),𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, parameter 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)/2], and 𝑘1=𝑀+𝑏ln𝑅𝑅01/𝑠,(3.36)where 𝑀 is defined in (3.23).
Obviously, for any positive constant 𝑏, 𝜂(𝑟,𝑏,𝜆)𝐶1[0,𝑅).
Similar to the proof of Case 1, when 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, we have 𝑟𝑁1||𝜂||𝑝(𝑟)2𝜂𝑟𝑁1𝑏1/𝑠𝑠𝑝(𝑟)1(𝑝(𝑟)1)(𝑅+𝜆𝑟)𝑝(𝑟)ln(𝑅+𝜆𝑟)1(1/𝑠1)(𝑝(𝑟)1)112𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝜂)𝑅,𝑟0.,𝑅(3.37)
When 𝑅𝑅0 is small enough, forall𝑟(𝜎,𝑅0), from the definition of 𝑘, it is easy to see that 𝑟𝑁1||𝜂||𝑝(𝑟)2𝜂(𝜎)𝑁11𝑅0𝜎𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝜂).(3.38)
Obviously 𝑟𝑁1||𝜂||𝑝(𝑟)2𝜂=𝑟𝑁1𝜇𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝜂),𝑟(0,𝜎).(3.39)
Combining (3.37), (3.38), and (3.39), when 𝑅𝑅0 is large enough, for any 𝜆[0,(𝑅𝑅0)/2], one can see that 𝜂(𝑟,𝑎,𝜆) is a subsolution for (P).
Define the function 𝜂𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜖) on 𝐵(0,𝑅) as 𝜂𝑚1(𝑟,𝑏+𝜖)=𝜂𝑟,𝑏+𝜖,𝑚,(3.40)
where 𝜖 is a small enough positive constant such that (𝑏+𝜖)<(1/𝛿)inf|𝑥|𝑅0𝑝(𝑥).
We can see that 𝜂𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜖)𝐶1[0,𝑅) is a subsolution for (P) for any 𝑚=1,2. According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝜂𝑚(𝑟,𝑏+𝜖)𝑢(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅). For any 𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵(0,𝑅0), we have 𝜂𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜖)𝜂𝑚+1(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜖). Then, 𝑢(𝑥)lim𝑚+𝜂𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜖),𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅)𝐵0,𝑅0.(3.41)
When 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω) is small enough, we have lim𝑚+𝜂𝑚(|𝑥|,𝑏+𝜖)>𝜂(|𝑥|,𝑏,0).(3.42)
According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝜂(|𝑥|,𝑏,0)𝑢(𝑥),𝑥𝐵(0,𝑅); then Φ2(𝑥)=Φ2(|𝑥|)=𝜂(|𝑥|,𝑏,0) is a radial lower control function of all of the solutions for (P), and Φ2(𝑥)=Φ2(|𝑥|) is a radial subsolution for (P).

Theorem 3.3. If 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢) satisfies lim𝑢+𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝑢𝑠=𝛿(as𝑢+)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(3.43) where 𝜎 is defined in (H4), 𝛿 and 𝑠 are positive constants, 𝜌(𝑟)=𝜌0(𝑅𝑟)𝛽(𝑟), where 𝛽(𝑅)<𝑝(𝑅), then each solution 𝑢(𝑥) for (P) satisfies lim|𝑥|𝑅𝑢(𝑥)(𝑝(𝑅)/𝛿)ln1/(𝑅|𝑥|)1𝜃1/𝑠=1,where𝜃=𝛽(𝑅).𝑝(𝑅)(3.44)

Proof. It is easy to be seen from Theorems 3.1 and 3.2

4. The Existence of Boundary Blow-Up Solutions

Theorem 4.1. If inf𝑥Ω𝑝(𝑥)>𝑁 and 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢) satisfies 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝑎𝑢𝑠(as𝑢+)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(4.1) where 𝜎 is defined in (H4), 𝑎 and 𝑠 are positive constants, then (P) possesses a boundary blow-up solution.

Proof. In order to deal with the existence of boundary blow-up solutions, let us consider the problem Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢+𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢)=0,inΩ0,𝑢(𝑥)=𝑐,for𝑥𝜕Ω0,(4.2) where 𝑐 is a positive constant and Ω0Ω is a radial subdomain of Ω. Since inf𝑥Ω𝑝(𝑥)>𝑁, then W1,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω0)𝐶𝛼(Ω0), where 𝛼(0,1). The relative functional of (4.2) is 𝜙=Ω01||||𝑝(𝑥)𝑢(𝑥)𝑝(𝑥)𝑑𝑥+Ω0𝐹(𝑥,𝑢)𝑑𝑥,(4.3) where 𝐹(𝑥,𝑢)=𝑢0𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑡)𝑑𝑡. Since 𝜙 is coercive in 𝑋=𝑐+𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(Ω0), then 𝜙 possesses a nontrivial minimum point 𝑢. So, problem (4.2) possesses a weak solution 𝑢.
Since 𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝐶1+𝐶2|𝑢|𝛾(𝑥), from Theorems 3.1 and 3.2, we get that (P) possesses a supersolution 𝑔(𝑥) and a subsolution 𝑔(𝑥), which satisfy 𝑔(𝑥)𝑔(𝑥), when 𝑑(𝑥,𝜕Ω) (the distance from 𝑥 to 𝜕Ω) is small enough. According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑔(𝑥)𝑔(𝑥) for any 𝑥Ω.
Denote 𝐷𝑗={𝑥|𝑥|<11/(𝑗+1)𝑅} (𝑗=1,2,). Let us consider the problem Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑢𝑗+𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑢𝑗)=0,in𝐷𝑗,𝑢𝑗(𝑥)=𝑔(𝑥),for𝑥𝜕𝐷𝑗,(4.4)
and the relative functional is 𝜙=𝐷𝑗1||𝑝(𝑥)𝑢𝑗||(𝑥)𝑝(𝑥)𝑑𝑥+𝐷𝑗𝜌(𝑥)𝐹𝑥,𝑢𝑗𝑑𝑥.(4.5)
Let 𝑔𝑗(𝑥)=𝑔(𝑥)𝐷𝑗. Since the functional 𝜙 is coercive in 𝑋𝑗=𝑔𝑗(𝑥)+𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)(𝐷𝑗), then 𝜙 has a nontrivial minimum point 𝑢𝑗. Therefore, problem (4.4) has a weak solution 𝑢𝑗.
According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑔(𝑥)𝑢𝑗(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐷𝑗 (𝑗=1,2, ). Since 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)=𝑔(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝜕𝐷𝑗, then 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)𝑢𝑗+1(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝜕𝐷𝑗 (𝑗=1,2,). According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)𝑢𝑗+1(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐷𝑗 (𝑗=1,2,).
Since 𝑔(𝑥) is a supersolution and 𝑔(𝑥)𝑔(𝑥) for any 𝑥Ω, so we have 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)=𝑔(𝑥)𝑔(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝜕𝐷𝑗 (𝑗=1,2,). According to the comparison principle, we get that 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)𝑔(𝑥) for any 𝑥𝐷𝑗 (𝑗=1,2,).
Since 𝑔(𝑥) and 𝑔(𝑥) are locally bounded, from Lemma 2.4, each weak solution of (4.4) is a 𝐶1,𝛼loc function. The 𝐶1,𝛼 interior regularity result implies that the sequences {𝑢𝑗} and {𝑢𝑗} are equicontinuous in 𝐷2, and hence we can choose a subsequence, which we denoted by {𝑢1𝑗}, such that 𝑢1𝑗𝑤1 and 𝑢1𝑗𝜛1 uniformly on 𝐷1 for some 𝑤1𝐶(𝐷1) and 𝜛1(𝐶(𝐷1))𝑁. In fact, 𝜛1=𝑤1 on 𝐷1, and from the interior 𝐶1,𝛼 estimate, we conclude that 𝑤1(𝐶𝛼(𝐷1))𝑁 for some 0<𝛼<1. Thus, 𝑤1𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(𝐷1)𝐶1,𝛼(𝐷1). From the 𝐶1,𝛼 interior regularity result, we see that |𝑢𝑗|𝑝1|𝜙|𝐶|𝜙| on 𝐷1, and since the function 𝜉|𝜉|𝑝2𝜉 is continuous on 𝑁, it follows that |𝑢1𝑗(𝑥)|𝑝2𝑢1𝑗(𝑥)𝜙(𝑥)|𝑤1(𝑥)|𝑝2𝑤1(𝑥)𝜙(𝑥) for 𝑥𝐷1. Thus, by the dominated convergence theorem, we have 𝐷1||𝑢1𝑗||(𝑥)𝑝2𝑢1𝑗(𝑥)𝜙(𝑥)𝑑𝑥𝐷1||𝑤1||(𝑥)𝑝2𝑤1(𝑥)𝜙(𝑥)𝑑𝑥,𝜙𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷1.(4.6)
Furthermore, since 0𝑓(𝑢1𝑗)𝑓(𝑢1𝑗+1) and 𝑓(𝑢1𝑗(𝑥))𝑓(𝑤1(𝑥)) for each 𝑥𝐷1, by the monotone convergence theorem, we obtain 𝐷1𝜌𝑒𝑓(𝑢1𝑗)𝑞𝑑𝑥𝐷1𝜌𝑒𝑓(𝑤1)𝑞𝑑𝑥,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷1.(4.7)
Therefore, it follows that 𝐷1||𝑤1||(𝑥)𝑝2𝑤1(𝑥)𝑞(𝑥)𝑑𝑥+𝐷1𝜌𝑒𝑓(𝑤1)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷1,(4.8)
and hence 𝑤1 is a weak solution for Δ𝑝(𝑥)𝑤1+𝜌𝑒𝑓(𝑤1)=0 on 𝐷1.
Thus, there exists a subsequence of {𝑢𝑗} which we denote it by{𝑢1𝑗}, such that 𝑢1𝑗𝑤1 in 𝐷1 (as 𝑗), where 𝑤1𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(𝐷1)𝐶1,𝛼1(𝐷1) and satisfies 𝐷1||𝑤1||𝑝(𝑥)2𝑤1𝑞𝑑𝑥+𝐷1𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑤1)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷1.(4.9)
Similarly, we can prove that there exists a subsequence of {𝑢1𝑗} which we denote by{𝑢2𝑗}, such that 𝑢2𝑗𝑤2 in 𝐷2 (as 𝑗), where 𝑤2𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(𝐷2)𝐶1,𝛼2(𝐷2) satisfies 𝑤1=𝑤2𝐷1 and 𝐷2||𝑤2||𝑝(𝑥)2𝑤2𝑞𝑑𝑥+𝐷2𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑤2)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷2.(4.10)
Repeating the above steps, we can get a subsequence of {𝑢𝑖𝑗𝑗=1,2,} which we denote by {𝑢𝑗𝑖+1𝑗=1,2,} (𝑖=1,2,) and satisfies the following.(10) For any fixed 𝑖, {𝑢𝑗𝑖+1} is a subsequence of{𝑢𝑖𝑗}.(20) For any fixed 𝑖, 𝑢𝑗𝑖+1𝑤𝑖+1 in 𝐷𝑖+1 (as 𝑗), where 𝑤𝑖+1𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)(𝐷𝑖+1)𝐶1,𝛼𝑖+1(𝐷𝑖+1) satisfies 𝑤𝑖=𝑤𝑖+1𝐷𝑖.(30)For any fixed 𝑖, 𝑤𝑖 satisfies 𝐷𝑖||𝑤𝑖||𝑝(𝑥)2𝑤𝑖𝑞𝑑𝑥+𝐷𝑖𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑤𝑖)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊01,𝑝(𝑥)𝐷𝑖.(4.11)
Thus, we can conclude that
(i){𝑢𝑗𝑗}is a subsequence of{𝑢𝑗},(ii) there exists a function 𝑤𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)loc(Ω)𝐶1,𝛼loc(Ω) such that 𝑤𝑖=𝑤𝐷𝑖, and for any 𝑥Ω, there exists a constant 𝑗𝑥 such that when 𝑗𝑗𝑥, 𝑢𝑗𝑗(𝑥) is defined at 𝑥, and lim𝑗𝑢𝑗𝑗(𝑥)=𝑤(𝑥),(iii)Ω||||𝑤𝑝(𝑥)2𝑤𝑞𝑑𝑥+Ω𝜌(𝑥)𝑒𝑓(𝑥,𝑤)𝑞𝑑𝑥=0,𝑞𝑊1,𝑝(𝑥)0,loc(Ω).(4.12)
Obviously, 𝑤 is a boundary blow-up solution for (P).
This completes the proof.

In Theorem 4.1, when inf𝑥Ω𝑝(𝑥)>𝑁, the existence of solutions for (P) is given. In the following, we will consider the existence of solutions for (P) in the general case 1<inf𝑥Ω𝑝(𝑥)sup𝑥Ω𝑝(𝑥)<. We need to do some preparation. Let us consider 𝑟𝑁1||𝑢||𝑝(𝑟)2𝑢=𝑟𝑁1𝜌(𝑟)𝑒𝑓(𝑟,𝑢),𝑟0,𝑅𝜆,𝑢(𝑅0)=0,𝑢𝜆=𝑑,(I)

where 𝑅𝜆(0,𝑅) and 𝑑 is a constant.

Lemma 4.2. If Φ2(𝑅𝜆)𝑑Φ1(𝑅𝜆), where Φ1 and Φ2 are defined in Theorems 3.13.2, respectively, then (4.13) has a solution 𝑢 satisfying Φ2(𝑟)𝑢(𝑟)Φ1(𝑟),𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(4.13)

Proof. Denote 𝑒(𝑟,𝑢)=𝑓(𝑟,Φ1(𝑟))+arctan𝑢(𝑟)Φ1(𝑟),𝑢(𝑟)>Φ1𝑒(𝑟),𝑓(𝑟,𝑢),Φ2(𝑟)𝑢(𝑟)Φ1𝑒(𝑟),𝑓(𝑟,Φ2(𝑟))+arctan𝑢(𝑟)Φ2(𝑟),𝑢(𝑟)<Φ2(𝑟).(4.14)
Let 𝜌𝐸(𝑡)=𝜌(|𝑡|),and𝐸(𝑡,𝑢)=(|𝑡|,𝑢),forall𝑡[𝑅𝜆,𝑅𝜆]. Let us consider the even solutions of the following |𝑡|𝑁1||𝑢||𝑝(|𝑡|)2𝑢=|𝑡|𝑁1𝜌𝐸(𝑡)𝐸(𝑡,𝑢),𝑡𝑅𝜆,𝑅𝜆,𝑢𝑅𝜆𝑅=𝑑,𝑢𝜆=𝑑.(II)
It is easy to see that 𝑢 is an even solution for (4.15) if and only if 𝑢 is even and 𝑢=𝑑𝑅𝜆𝑟|𝑡|1𝑁𝑡0|𝑠|𝑁1𝜌(𝑠)(𝑠,𝑢(𝑠))𝑑𝑠1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)𝑑𝑡,𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(4.15)
Denote Ψ(𝑢,𝜇)=𝜇𝑑𝜇𝑅𝜆𝑟[|𝑡|1𝑁𝑡0|𝑠|𝑁1𝜌(𝑠)(𝑠,𝑢(𝑠))𝑑𝑠]1/(𝑝(𝑡)1)𝑑𝑡. Similar to the proof of Lemma 2.3 of [18], for any 𝜇[0,1], it is easy to see that Ψ(𝑢,𝜇) is compact continuous and bounded from 𝐶1𝐸[0,𝑅𝜆] to 𝐶1𝐸[0,𝑅𝜆], where 𝐶1𝐸[0,𝑅𝜆]={𝑢𝐶1[0,𝑅𝜆]𝑢iseven}. Thus, 𝑢=Ψ(𝑢,1) has a solution 𝑢 in 𝐶1𝐸[0,𝑅𝜆] and satisfies 𝑢(0)=lim𝑟0+𝑢(𝑟)=0. Then, 𝑢(|𝑡|) is an even solution for (4.15).
Denote Φ1,𝐸(𝑡)=Φ1(|𝑡|),Φ2,𝐸(𝑡)=Φ2(|𝑡|). From the definitions of Φ1and Φ2, we can see that Φ1(0)=0=Φ2(0); therefore, Φ1,𝐸(𝑡) and Φ2,𝐸(𝑡) are supersolution and subsolution for (4.15), respectively.
Since Φ2(𝑅𝜆)𝑢(𝑅𝜆)Φ1(𝑅𝜆) and 𝐸(𝑡,) is increasing, from the comparison principle, we have Φ2,𝐸(𝑡)𝑢(𝑡)Φ1,𝐸(𝑡),𝑡𝑅𝜆,𝑅𝜆.(4.16)
It means that 𝑢 is a solution for (4.13) and 𝑢 satisfies Φ2(𝑟)𝑢(𝑟)Φ1(𝑟),𝑟0,𝑅𝜆.(4.17)
Thus 𝑢 is a radial solution for (P). This completes the proof.

Theorem 4.3. If 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢) satisfies 𝑓(𝑟,𝑢)𝑎𝑢𝑠(as𝑢+)for[𝑟𝜎,𝑅)uniformly,(4.18) where 𝜎 is defined in (H4) and 𝑎 and 𝑠 are positive constants, then (P) possesses a boundary blow-up solution.

Proof. From Lemma 4.2, we have that (4.4) has a weak solution 𝑢𝑗(𝑥)=𝑢𝑗(|𝑥|)=𝑢𝑗(𝑟). Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.1, we can obtain the existence of solutions for (P).


This paper is partly supported by the National Science Foundation of China (10701066& 10926075 & 10971087) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation-funded project (20090460969), and the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Education Committee (2008-755-65).