
We introduce and study a new notion of relatively A-maximal m-relaxed monotonicity framework and discuss some properties of a new class of generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with the relatively A-maximal m-relaxed monotone operator and the new generalized Yosida approximations based on relatively A-maximal m-relaxed monotonicity framework. Furthermore, we give some remarks to show that the theory of the new generalized relatively resolvent operator and Yosida approximations associated with relatively A-maximal m-relaxed monotone operators generalizes most of the existing notions on (relatively) maximal monotone mappings in Hilbert as well as Banach space and can be applied to study variational inclusion problems and first-order evolution equations as well as evolution inclusions.

1. Introduction

In order to generalize other existing results on linear convergence, including Rockafellar’s theorem (1976) on linear convergence using the proximal point algorithm in a real Hilbert space setting, Verma [1] introduced a new application-oriented notion of relatively -maximal monotonicity (so-called -monotonicity in [2] when the relative monotone operator is an identity operator) framework, and then it was applied to the approximation solvability of the following general class of inclusion problems: where is a multivalued operator on a real Hilbert space . Furthermore, the author pointed out that “More significantly our approach based on the relatively maximal monotonicity works more smoothly even to the maximal monotone mapping and corresponding classical resolvent of than that of the results readily available in literature, and the general linear convergence results on the generalized proximal point algorithm based on the relatively maximal monotonicity can further be applied to theory of the Douglas-Rachford splitting methods as well as to first-order evolution equations based of Yosida approximations.”

It seems that the obtained results can be applied to even more relaxed proximal point algorithm, where the Yosida approximation does have a more broader role to the Douglas-Rachford splitting methods [3] and further to first-order evolution equations based on the relatively maximal monotonicity [4]. Let us begin with the result of Eckstein and Bertsekas [3] on the Douglas-Rachford splitting method and the relaxed proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone mappings. For more details, we recommend [5, 6] and the references therein.

The notion of monotone operators was introduced independently by Zarantonello [7] and Minty [8]. Interest in such mappings stems mainly from their firm connection with the following first-order evolution equation: which is the model in terms of many physical problems. What is most interesting and important of the accretive mapping was mainly from the fact that problem (1) is solvable if is an accretive and locally Lipschitz single-valued operator in an appropriate Banach space. Further, if is a real Hilbert space and is an operator such that is monotone and , then, based on the Yosida approximation for each given , there exists exactly one continuous function such that the evolution equation (1) holds for all (see [9]), where the derivative exists in the sense of weak convergence, that is,

Recently, several problems that arise in differential equations, for instance, elliptic boundary value problems whose linear parts possess Green’s function, can be put in operator form as where and are monotone operators (see [1014] and the references therein for more information).

Let be a real Hilbert space with inner product and let denote the family of all the nonempty subsets of . A multifunction is said to be a monotone operator if It is said to be maximal monotone if, in addition, the graph is not properly contained in the graph of any other monotone operators.

Such operators have been studied extensively because of their role in convex analysis, certain partial differential equations, and differential inclusions. A fundamental problem is that of determining an element such that , which includes minimization or maximization of functions, variational inequality problems, quasivariational inequality problems, minimax problems, and decision and management sciences. Furthermore, general maximal monotonicity has played a crucial role by providing a powerful framework to develop and use suitable proximal point algorithms in studying convex programming and variational inequalities in the literature. See, for example, [116] and the references therein.

Inspired and motivated by the research works going on this field, the purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new notion of relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity framework and discuss some properties of a new class of generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with the relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator and the new generalized Yosida approximations based on relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity framework. Furthermore, some remarks will be given to show that the theory of the new generalized relatively resolvent operator and Yosida approximations associated with relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operators generalizes most of the existing notions on (relatively) maximal monotone mappings in Hilbert as well as Banach space and can be applied to study variational inclusion problems and first-order evolution equations (inclusions).

2. Relatively -Maximal -Relaxed Monotonicity

Let be a real Hilbert space endowed with a norm and an inner product , respectively, and let denote the family of all the nonempty subsets of .

In the sequel, let us recall some concepts and lemmas.

Definition 1. Let be a single-valued nonlinear operator. Then operator is said to be (i)-strongly monotone if there exists a constant such that (ii)-strongly monotone with respect to if there exists a constant such that (iii)cocoercive with respect to if (iv)-cocoercive with respect to if there exists a constant such that (v)-Lipschitz continuous if there exists a constant such that particularly, is called nonexpansive when .

Example 2 (see [15]). Let be a nonexpansive operator. Then is -cocoercive with respect to , where is the identity.

Definition 3. Let be single-valued operators. Then multivalued operator is said to be (i) monotone with respect to if (ii) strictly monotone with respect to if is monotone with respect to and equality holds only if for all , (iii)-strongly monotone with respect to if there exists a constant such that (iv)-relaxed monotone with respect to if there exists a constant such that (v)-cocoercive with respect to if there exists a constant such that (vi) relatively maximal monotone with respect to if and only if is monotone with respect to and for every , (vii) relatively -maximal monotone with respect to if is monotone with respect to and for all .

Example 4 (see [6]). Let , and for all . Then is (relatively) monotone with respect to but not monotone.
Let a real Hilbert space and be a maximal monotone operator. Then the Yosida approximation is relatively monotone with respect to the resolvent operator .

Definition 5. Let be two single-valued operators. Then multivalued operator is said to be relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone with respect to if (a) is -relaxed monotone with respect to , (b) for all .
This is equivalent to stating that is relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone with respect to if is -relaxed monotone with respect to and is maximal monotone.

Remark 6. Obviously, if , then the relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity becomes the -monotonicity (so-called -maximal -relaxed monotonicity or -maximal relaxed monotonicity [16]) introduced and studied in [15]. Further, if , that is, is relatively -relaxed monotone (in fact, monotone with respect to ), then the relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity reduces to relatively -maximal monotonicity [1] (also referred to as -maximal monotonicity relative to in [5] where and is a single-valued operator). Therefore, the class of relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operators provides unifying frameworks for classes of (relatively) maximal monotone operators and (relatively) -maximal monotone operators. For details about these operators, we refer the reader to [16, 9] and the references therein.

Theorem 7. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone single-valued operator with respect to , and a relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to with . Then the operator is single-valued for .

Proof. For any element , let . Then we have and . Since is relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone with respect to , we have that is, It follows that for .

Remark 8. If , that is, is -relaxed monotone, then we can obtain the same result that the operator is single valued for . However, the strongly monotonicity of is not used but is applied in Proposition 2.1 of [1].

Definition 9. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone single-valued operator with respect to , and a relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to with . Then the generalized relatively resolvent operator is defined by

Theorem 10. Let be a real Hilbert space, nonlinear operator,   β-Lipschitz continuous, an -strongly monotone single-valued operator with respect to , and a relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to with . Then the generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with is -Lipschitz continuous with positive constant .

Proof. For any , by the definition of the resolvent operator , we now know Since is -relaxed monotone with respect to , we have This implies and so where is a constant. This completes the proof.

Remark 11. If , and are the same as in Theorem 10 and is a nonexpansive operator, then the generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with is -Lipschitz continuous with constant .
If , , and are the same as in Theorem 10 and is a relatively -maximal monotone operator with respect to , then the generalized resolvent operator associated with and defined by is -Lipschitz continuous.
Moreover, Theorem 10 reduces to Proposition  2.11 in [5] when and is a single-valued operator and is -strongly monotone.

Lemma 12. An -strongly monotone and -Lipschtiz continuous operator is -cocoercive.

Proof. By the monotonicity and Lipschtiz continuity of , we have

Theorem 13. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to and -Lipschitz continuous, and a relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to with . Then the generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with satisfies

Proof. By the definition of the resolvent operator , we now know, for any , Since is -relaxed monotone with respect to , we have It follows from Lemma 12 that

Corollary 14. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to and -Lipschtiz continuous, and a relatively -maximal monotone operator with respect to . Then the generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with and defined by satisfies

Corollary 15. Let be a real Hilbert space,   -strongly monotone and -Lipschitz continuous, and a relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to . Then the relatively classical resolvent operator associated with and defined by satisfies

Proof. By the similar method as in Theorem 7, we can know that the relatively classical resolvent operator is single valued via the strongly monotonicity of (see, [1, Proposition 2.3]). It follows from the definition of the resolvent operator that, for any , Since is monotone with respect to , we have that is,

Remark 16. Corollaries 14 and 15 are improved Propositions 2.2 and  2.4 in [1], respectively. In deed, the strongly monotonicity of in Corollary 14 is not used and the cocoercivity is simplified in Corollaries 14 and 15.

3. Generalized Yosida Approximations

In this section, based on Theorems 10 and 13, we shall introduce generalized Yosida approximation of relatively -maximal -relaxed operator and give some properties of the generalized Yosida approximation.

Definition 17. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to , and a relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to with . Then the generalized Yosida approximation of relatively maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to is defined by where is the generalized resolvent operator associated with relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to .

Definition 18. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone single-valued operator with respect to , and a relatively -maximal monotone operator with respect to . Then the generalized Yosida approximation of relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to is defined by where is the generalized resolvent operator associated with relatively -maximal monotone operator with respect to .

Definition 19. Let be a real Hilbert space,   t-strongly monotone, and a relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to . Then the Yosida approximation of relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to is defined by where is the relatively classical resolvent operator associated with relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to .
Based on definition of generalized Yosida approximation and Theorem 10, now we give some property of the generalized Yosida approximation.

Theorem 20. Let be a real Hilbert space, nonlinear operator   β-Lipschtiz continuous, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to and -Lipschtiz continuous, and relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone with respect to with . Then the generalized Yosida approximation of is -Lipschitz continuous, where is a positive constant.

Proof. For any , it follows from Theorem 10 that we have
From Theorem 20 and (2) of Remark 11, we have the following results.

Corollary 21. Let be a real Hilbert space,   β-Lipschtiz continuous, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to and -Lipschtiz continuous, and relatively -maximal monotone with respect to . Then the generalized Yosida approximation of is -Lipschitz continuous.

Corollary 22. Let be a real Hilbert space,   -strongly monotone and -Lipschtiz continuous, and be relatively maximal monotone with respect to . Then the Yosida approximation of is -Lipschitz continuous.

Proof. For any , it follows from the definition of the resolvent operator that Since is monotone with respect to , we have That is Thus, the rest of proof can be obtained from the proof of Theorem 20 and it is omitted.

Theorem 23. Let be a real Hilbert space, an -strongly monotone operator with respect to nonlinear operator and -Lipschtiz continuous, and relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone with respect to with . Then for all , we have where is the generalized Yosida approximation of relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator with respect to for and

Proof. From Lemma 12 and Theorem 13 that, we get

Remark 24. If is -Lipschtiz continuous, , and are the same as in Theorem 20, and positive constant , then it is easy to see that is -Lipschitz continuous, which is more application-enhanced than that of in Theorem 20.
From Theorem 23 and Corollaries 14 and 15, we have the following results.

Corollary 25. Let be a real Hilbert space,   -strongly monotone with respect to nonlinear operator and -Lipschitz continuous, and relatively -maximal monotone with respect to . Then for all , we have where is the generalized Yosida approximation of relatively -maximal monotone operator with respect to for and

Remark 26. If is a single-valued operator, is -strongly monotone and -Lipschtiz continuous, and , that is, is cocoercive, then Corollary 25 is equivalent to Proposition  3.3 in [5] without the condition that “ is cocoercive with respect to ,” where .

Corollary 27. Let be a real Hilbert space,   -strongly monotone and -Lipschtiz continuous, and relatively maximal monotone with respect to . Then for all , we have where is the Yosida approximation of relatively maximal monotone operator with respect to for and

Remark 28. If and in Corollary 27, then we have the classical theory of maximal monotone operators. This is equivalent to stating that Corollary 27 represents a generalization to (2) of Example 4. This would also clarify the notational as well as theoretical differences between the classical resolvent and relatively classical resolvent.
From Corollary 27, we know that if , then we have that is, and so is -Lipschtiz continuous. Thus, more value-added application can be gained than that of in Corollary 22.

4. Concluding Remarks

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new notion of relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity framework and to discuss some properties of a class of new generalized relatively resolvent operator associated with the relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operator and the new generalized Yosida approximations based on relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity framework. Because the relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity includes (relatively) -maximal monotonicity, (relatively) -maximal monotonicity, and (relatively) maximal monotonicity as special cases, the theory of the new generalized relatively resolvent operator and Yosida approximations associated with relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone operators generalizes most of the existing notions on (relatively) maximal monotone mappings to Hilbert as well as Banach space settings, and its applications range from nonlinear variational inequalities, equilibrium problems, optimization and control theory, management and decision sciences, and mathematical programming to engineering sciences. Therefore, the following two fields’ problems are worth studying in further research.

On the one hand, we note that the classical Yosida approximation associated with classical maximal monotonicity played a prominent role during the proof of the result of applying the Douglas-Rachford splitting method for finding a zero of the sum of two monotone mappings. Hence, it follows from Theorem 13 that we can generalize and improve the main linear convergence results (i.e., Theorem 23) to the variation inclusion problem in [1, 3, 6] under the framework of relatively -maximal -relaxed monotonicity.

On the other hand, Theorems 20 and 23, that is, the generalized Yosida regularization/approximation results, can be applied to the solvability of the first-order differential evolution inclusions of the following form: where is relatively -maximal -relaxed monotone, is such that (52) holds, and the derivative exists in the sense of the weak convergence. Further, the problem (52) becomes problem (2) when the operator is single valued, and the real problems could arise due to the presence of the relatively relaxed monotonicity achieving the uniqueness of the solution.


This work was supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Provincial Education Department (10ZA136), the Cultivation Project of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering (2011PY01), and Artificial Intelligence of Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (2012RYY04, 2012RYJ08).